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Journal of American Folk-Lore.

Miscellanea. Fairy gold. Couvade. A folk-tale concerning Jesus Christ. Folk-lore from the Hebrides. Some country remedies and their uses. The Painswick dog-pie. Four Yorkshire folk-tales.—Bibliography.—Index to Vol. VIII.

5. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (London.) Vol. XXVII. No. 1, August, 1897. Nágá and other frontier tribes of Northeast India. G. M. Godden—Bullroarers used by the Australian aborigines. R. H. Matthews.—The Berbers of Morocco. W. B. Harris.—Káfiristan and its people. G. S. Robertson—Anthropological miscellanea and new books. Some aboriginal ceremonies. A West Australian custom. Malay card games.—No. 2, November. Duk Duk and other customs as forms of expression of the Melanesians' intellectual life. Graf v. Pfeil.—The mythology of wise birds. H. C. March.—On the evidence for the efficacy of the diviner and his rod in the search for water. T. V. Holmes.—A year in Azimba and Chipitaland; the customs and superstitions of the people. H. C. Angus.—Toaripi.—J. Chalmers.

6. Revue des Études Juives. (Paris.) Vol. XXXV. No. 69, July–September, 1897. Un recueil de contes juifs inédits, I. Lévi.

7. Revue des Traditions Populaires. (Paris.) Vol. XII. No. 12, December, 1897. Romances populaires françaises. (Continued.) G. Doncieux.—Le pretendu cannibalisme. R. Basset.—Traditions et coutumes du Périgord. P. Sébillot.—Contes et légendes arabes. XLVIII–LVIII.—R. Basset.—Coutumes et traditions du pays de Ploermel. E. Herpin.

8. Archivio per lo Studio delle Tradizioni Popolari. (Palermo.) Vol. XVI. No. 2, April–June, 1897. La casa nel folk-lore. G. Ferraro.—Usi e costumi degli agricoltori Siciliani. I. C. Crispo-Moncada.—Alcuni usi e costumi di Chiaramonte Gulfi. C. M. di Sangiovanni.—Fregi di lavori femminili in Sardegna. G. Calvia.—La grande processione del Venerdì Santo in Isnello. C. Grisanti.—Reliquie del dramma sacro (il Venerdì Santo in Gallico, Calabria.) V. L. Cardi.—Usi venatorii in Italia. (Continued.) B. Punturo.—El Sabado de gloria y el Judas en Sevilla. Costumbres y fiestas tradicionales. A. Guichot.—Costumi e tipi candioti. (Illustrated.)—Un mazzetto di canti pop. fabrianesi. E. Filipini.—Indovinelli veronesi. A. Balladoro.—Usi e costumi guerreschi degli Abissini-Superstizioni alpine. A. Lumbroso.—Fra i Cimbri dei sette comuni vicentini. Leggende e costumi. B. Frescura.—Di alcuni usi pisane. L. Natoli.—Miscellanea.—Revista bibliografica. (Includes a review of "Current Superstitions" of Mrs. Bergen.)

9. La Calabria. (Manteleone.) Vol. X. No. 1, October, 1897. Il granchio che fa le novas d' oro. Novellina greca di Roccaforte. L. Bruzzano.—Appendice agli usi e costumi di Laureana di Borello. G. B. Marzano.

10. Alemannia. (Bonn.) Vol. XXV. No. 1, 1897. Volkskunde von Siegelan. A. Goetz.

11. Der Urquell. (Leiden.) New Series. Vol. I. No. 12, 1897. Geistersprachen. C. M. Pleyte.—The Kiowa Peyote rite. J. Mooney.Das Kind in Glaube und brauch der Völker. Eine umfrage.—Judendeutsche Sagen und schnurren.—Zaubergeld. Eine umfrage.—Menschenfleischessen. Krauss.—Beiträge zur geschichte der Volkskunde. Krauss.—Folkloristische findlinge.

12. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. (Weimar.) Vol. XI. Nos. 2 and 3, 1897. Der ursprung der Siegfried-sage. G. Samazin.—No. 4. Der Teufel in der kirche. J. Bolte.

13. The Calcutta Review. (Calcutta.) No. CCVIII., April, 1897. The sterner aspects of Nair life. U. Balakrishnan Nair.—The customs of the aboriginal tribes of India. M. L.—Serpent worship in India. P. Shankunny.—No. CCX., October, 1897. The anthropological survey of Southern India. S. Chandra Mitra.