Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/278

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266 Journal of A merica n Folk-L ore.

•• Bad betiger, good betiger ; Hope the Devil may ride yer. 7 '

"Betiger" is a corruption of "Betide you." If good is said of you, the burning or itching will continue ; if bad, it will stop.

68. If the lower part of your ear burns, some one is talking about you.

69. When your left nostril itches, it is a sign that some man whom you have never seen is coming to your house. When your right nostril itches, some woman whom you have never seen is coming.

70. When your nose itches while coming to your own house, you will see a stranger.

71. When your eye quivers, it is a sign you are going to cry about something.

72. When your left eye jumps, it is a sign that you are going to see some trouble.

73. If the palm of your hand itches, don't tell any one about it, but put your hand under your arm and you will have some money.

74. If the right palm itches, you are going to get some money. If the left palm itches, it is a sign that you are going to shake hands with a stranger.

75. To cut your hair, and throw the hair where birds can get it and build nests with it, you will have headaches.


76. To wear one earring on the ear next a weak eye will give good eyesight.

y/. An iron ring about the wrist will give strength.

78. A leather string tied about the wrist cures rheumatism.

79. A flannel rag round the wrist will cure pain in the arm.

80. To cure "biles," walk along and pick up the first little white flint rock you see, as it is found sticking in the ground. Rub the

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