Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/94

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our power to extend to them such accommodations and facilities as will render their sojourn amongst us as agreeable as possible.

Be it further resolved, That the Clerk of Council be directed to forward a copy of this preamble and resolution to the Governor of each of the Southern State, with a request that he lay the same before the Convention of his State, now in session, or hereafter to assemble.

WILLIAM EZZARD, Mayor of Atlanta.

C. F. Wood, Clerk.

Which was, on motion, received and ordered to be spread upon the journals, with the accompanying documents.

Mr. Stephen, of Gadsden offered the following Resolution:

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to select a proper device for a State Seal;

Which was read, the rules waived, and the resolution adopted, and Messrs. Stephens, McIntosh and Dawkins appointed said committee.

Mr. Davis of Leon offered the following Resolution:

Resolved, That the officers of this Convention be allowed the same compensation as is allowed to similar officers in the Senate of this State, and that the President do certify the amount of the allowance due to each officer.

Which was read, the rules waived, and the resolution adopted.

Mr. Davis of Leon offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee on Printing be directed to examine and report to the Convention the amounts due to the Printers of this body, and all accounts for contingent expenses of the Convention.

Which was read, the rules waived, and the resolution adopted.

A resolution authorizing the Legislature to prescribe a uniform dress, &c., for the Line, General and Staff officers of Florida;

Came up and was withdrawn.

An ordinance to amend the ordinance providing for a Southern Convention came up, and on motion of Mr. Davis, was indefinitely postponed.

On motion the Convention adjourned until Monday next, 10 o'clock, A.M.