ARRUDA's BRAZILIAN PLANTS. 245 Areca Bacaba. Bacaha, Koster, 490. = (Enocarpm Bakaba Mart. Hist. Nat. Palm. ii. 24. The ver- nacular name is cited by Martius (i.e., and Syst. Mat. Med. 15), by Miers, and by other authors. Aristolochia grandiflora. Papo de Peru. Koster, 499. Martius (Mat. Med. Bras. 107) identifies this with A, cymbifera Mart. & Zucc. Arum liniferum. Aninga. Koster, 483. = Montrichardia linifera H. Schott, Araceen Betreff. 5 (1854) ! BiGNONiA TiNCTORiA. Piranga. Koster, 497. = B. Chica Humb. & Bonpl. Martius (Mat. Med. Bras. 124) cites the same vernacular name, and his account of the uses of the plant tallies with that of Arruda. BoMBAX VENTRicosA. BarHguda or Sumduma. Koster, 489. = Chorisia ventricosa Nees & Mart, in Nov. Act. Leopold. -Carol, xi. 1021 BoMBAx MEDiTERRANEA. Eiiibiratanha. (I. c.) Perhaps = the preceding, to which Miers assigns the vernacular name. Bromelia variegata. Caroa. Koster, 475. = Neoglaziovia variegata Mez in Fl. Bras. iii. 3, 427 ! Bromelia Sagenaria. Crauata de Rede. Koster, 478. = Ananas Sagenaria Schultes fil. in Roem. & Schult. Syst. vii. 1286! = A. sativus Yai,v. bracteatus MeZf I.e. 2dSl Bromelia muricata. Ananas da Agulha. Koster, 481. = A. muricatus Schultes fil. I. c. 1287 ! = A. sativus var. muricatus Mez, I, c, ! Carlotea formosissima. Carapitaia. Carlotea speciosa. Bilros. " Two beautiful species of a new genus, which I have dedicated to H.R.H. the Princess of Brazil: the roots of these plants are tuberous, abounding with soft and nutritive fecula, which has afforded assistance to the people of the Sertam of Pajau in times of drought. These plants are worthy of being cultivated not "only from their utihty, but for the purpose of ornamenting gardens, their flowers being umbellate, crimson, and very beautiful." — Koster, 493. Neither Miers nor Allemao throws any light on the local names, and Jackson says, *' Gen. ignot." There can be little doubt, how- ever, that the genus is to be referred to Hippeastrum, although the species can hardly be identified. Seubert (in Fl. Bras. iii. i. 146) suggests that C. speciosa = Zephyr anthes Candida Herb., but this cannot be, as the latter has solitary white flowers. Cissus TINCTORIA. Anil trepador. Koster, 496. Jackson gives C. tinctoria Arrud. as distinct from C. tinctoria Mart. They are, however, clearly identical : Arruda {I. c.) and Martius (Mat. Med. Bras. 126) give the same vernacular name, and this is also cited by Eichler in Fl. Bras. xiv. ii. 218, where the