Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/381

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If anyone will carefully read the foregoing, he must see that each species is numbered in Roman capitals, and the varieties are described below them, with a letter or similar distinguishing mark, and a Latin phrase. Therefore Fagus americana latifolia is on all fours with Fagus sylvatica foliis atro-rubentihus — that is, not meant as a specific name. As such it first came into being at Robert Sweet's hands in 1827 ; he is the authority for it, not Miiuchhausen, making a difference of fifty-seven years in the publication, and of course subsequent to Alton (1789).


Following up the notes on the Floras of Iceland and the Faroe Isles I have published in this Journal, I give the substance of a paper by Dr. F. Kurtz, printed in the Verlhandimgen des bot. Vereins der Prov. Brandenburg, 1895, pp. 150-8, entitled *' Verzeichnis der auf Insel und der Faer-øern im Sommer 1888 von Dr. Konrad Keilhack gesammelten Pflanzen."

To the Icelandic list there are very few real additions, and many of the stations given are repetitions of those in Groenlund's Flora. One very curious addition may be noted, i.e., "Solanum tuberosum, Reykholt." Probably a good many people know that the potato is grown in Iceland (especially in the north), but it can hardly be admitted into a botanical list. I have taken out a few of the more interesting species, and localities ; those with an asterisk are, so far as I know, new records. Iceland.

The letters placed after the habitats refer to the north, south, east, or west of the island.

  • Ranunculus pygmæus. Berg Baula W.
  • Cakile maritima. Hvalfjordr W.
  • Cochlearia officinalis. Patreksfjordr N.W.
  • Viola sylvatica Fr. Reynivellir W.
  • Lathy rus maritimus. Brynjudalr W.
  • Sanguisorba officinalis. Thyrill.
  • Saxifraga Cotyledon. Seydisfjilrdr E.
  • Matricaria inodora β. plmocephala Rupr., *f. pumila Knutz. Reykjavik W.
  • Leontodon autumnalis, '^i. asperior Lange. Seydisfjördr E.

Aukreyri N.

  • Gnaphalimn norvegicum. Westfuss des Barges Baula W.
  • G. uliginosum. Reykir W.
  • Campanula rotundifolia. Eskifjordr E.
  • *Euphrasia officinalis v. latifolia Lange = E. latifolia Pursh.

Reykir, W.

  • Myosotis arenaria Schrad. [stricta Link.] . Hvammr N.