878 ajjGM from central Africa. Alg. iii. 246. Crass, cell, veget. 108-125 /a ; long, zygosp. 141- 154 fx, lat. zygosp. 100-111 [m. Mwangadan Eiver, S. of Fuladoga. 7. S. TERNATA Ripaitl in Bull. But. Nat. Fr. torn, xxiii. 1876, 162 ; Petit, Spirog. Emir. Paris, 26, t. viii. figs. 4-7. Crass, cell, veget. 54-57 fi; longit. l-2i-plo major; crass, cell, fruct. usque 75 fx; long, zygosp. 78 /x, lat. zygosp. 48-54 /x. Inkuyuni, Kamassia. The diameter of the filaments and the dimensions of the zygo- spores are a trifle small for this species, and come near those of S. neglecta (Hass.) Kiitz., but as nearly all the fructiferous cells are abbreviated and fairly inflated, it evidently belongs to S. ternata. The latter species seems to have been separated only on account of its more inflated and abbreviated fructiferous cells. 8. S. DUBiA Klitz. Tab. Phyc. v. t. 24 ; Rabh. Fl. Europ. Alg. iii. 243 ; Wolle, Freshw. Alg. U. S. 220, pi. cxxxv. f. 11-12. Crass. cell, veget. 43-48 fx ; long, zygosp. 57-58 /a, lat. zygosp. 38-41 fx. G. Laschan, Leikipia. Desmidiace^. 9. Closterium Leibleinii Kiitz. Synops. Diatom, in LiniiaBa, 1833, 596 ; Ealfs, Bnt. Desm. 167, tab. xxviii. fig. 4. Lat. 18 fx. Inkuyuni, Kamassia. 10. C. LiTTORALE Gay, Essai Monog. Conj. 75, t. ii. fig. 17 ; Note sur les conj. mid. France, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 1884, 339. Var. cRASsuM, n.var. (Fig. 18). Var. cellulis multe crassioribus. Long. 218 /x ; lat. 31 fx. Inkuyuni, Kamassia. The ClosteHum Leibleinii? forma" described and figured by Borge (Siissw. Chlor. Archangel, Bihang till R. Svenska Vet.-akad. Handl. Band 19, 1894, 16, figs. 9, 10) belongs rather to C. littorale Gay than to C. Leibleinii Kiitz. 11. EuASTRUM vERRucosuM Elimb. *, Ralfs, Brit. Desm. 79, tab. 11, fig. 2. Long. 71 /a; lat. 69 fx-, lat. isthm. 16 /x. Mwan- gadan River, S. of Fuladoga. 12. E. spiNULOsuM Delp. -africanum Nordst. De Alg. et Char. i. 9, t. xvi. fig. 16. Long. 68, 79, 70, 71, 11 jx-, lat. 63-5, 64, 61, 61. 63 /x; lat. isthm. 14-5, 15, 14-5, 15-5, 16 /x; crass. 38-5, 35 /x. Mwangadan River, S. of Fuladoga. 13. E. hexagonum, nov. sp. (Fig. 10). E. submediocre, l^-plo longius quam latum, medio profundissime constrictum, sinu angusto-lineari extreme ampliato; semicellulas subtrapezicas, angulis rotundatis, lateribus biundulatis, elevationibus basalibus majoribus, apicibus retusis in medio, elevationibus granulatis, in medio ad basin cum annulo granulorum majorum 7-8 circa granula 3 cen- tralia ; a vertice visae oblongo-ellipticae, ad medium utrobique tumidse ; a latere visae pyramido-ovatae, tumore basali utrobique. Long. 48, 48-5, 53, 49 /* ; lat. 40, 40, 46, 40 /a; lat. isthm. 10, 10-5, 13, 9-5 /x; crass. 22, 22-5, 24, 21 /x. Mwangadan River, S. of Fuladoga. This may be compared with Cosmarium alatum Kirchn. {Alg. Schles. 153) and its var. gostyniense Racib. {Nonn. Desm. Polon. 17, tab. xi. fig. 17), from which it differs in being twice as large, in having fewer and larger granules, and in its different apex.