DECADES PLANTABUM NOVARUM AUSTRO-AFRICANARUM. 393 prope Queenstown, alt. 6600 ped., Febr.-Mart. 1894, E. E. Galpin, No. 1808. I propose to place this species next to W. capillacea A. DC, from which it differs by the habit, smaller flowers, different calyx, and much shorter corolla-tube. In the specimens at hand the flowers are white, but I do not know whether this is their natural colour or whether they have faded in drying. 6. Lyperia breviflora, sp. n. Suffrutex, e basi ramosa; ramis elongatis procumbentibus, teretibus, dense glanduloso-puberulis ; foliis pro genere remotis ovatis vel ovato-oblongis obtusis vel sub- acutis, margine crenato-dentatis, basi obtusis, breviter petiolatis, utrinque glanduloso-puberulis, petiolo incluso 0*8-1 '5 cm. longis, medio fere 0-5-0-9 cm. latis ; floribus cocciueis sub versus apicem ramorum axillaribus ; pedicellis folia nunc aequantibus, nunc superantibus dense glanduloso-pilosis ; calyce corollae tubo paulo breviore vel subsequilongo, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis subacutis, dense glanduloso-pilosis, 0-4 cm. longis ; corollae c. 0-8 cm. longa ; tubo pro genere perbrevi extus glanduloso postice supra basin sub- incurvo, faucem versus paulo dilatato, lobis rotundatis apice subtruncatis, subintegris ; capsula demum calycem post anthesin paulo ampliatiam aequante, glanduloso-papilla. Habitat in regione austro-orientali : ad pedem montium Drakensbergen, Polela, alt. 5000-6000 ped., Febr. 1896, M. S. Evans, No. 631. This plant is allied to L. mollis Benth., but differs by its leaves and the exceedingly short corolla-tube. I know of no other species in the genus with such a very short corolla- tube, which we are accustomed to find now and then in Chcenostoma. However, there cannot be the slightest doubt about our plant being a true Lyperia. Mr. Evans describes the flowers as scarlet. 7. Plectranthns Galpinii, sp. n. Suffrutex 2-3-pedalis, ramosus ; ramis obtuse quadrangularibus, puberulis, foliatis ; foliis ovatis acuminatis, basi truncatis vel subcordatis, margine crenato- dentatis utrinque tenuiter puberulis, subtus reticulato-venosis, venis subtomentosis, 9-15 cm. longis, medio fere 5-11 cm. latis, petiolo pilis sanguineis subtomentoso, 3-5 cm. longo ; inflorescentia laxe paniculata, spicis erectis elongatis ; bracteis lanceolatis acumi- natis deciduis ; verticellastris subsexfloris ; pedicellis patentibus filiformibus apice post anthesin nutantibus, paulo elongatis ; calycis segmentis subulatis, postico latiore acuminate, post anthesin bene evolutis e basi subdeltoidea subulatis acutissimis, glabris, postico late ovato vel subreniformi apiculato, reticulato-venoso ; corollas tubo 0-6 cm. longo, basi postice gibbo obtuso brevi donato, sub- recto, labio postico erecto vel subreflexo circuitus subelliptico, apice obtuse trilobulato, 0*5 cm. longo, labio antico concave minore c. 0-3 m. longo ; staminibus corolla tubum duplo excedentibus ; calyce post sestivationem deflexo. Habitat in regione austro-orientali : Rimers Creek prope Bar- berton (Transvaah^), alt. 3000-4000 ped., Mart.-Apr. 1890, E. E. Galpin, No. 939. Journal of Botany. — Vol. 34. [Sept. 1896.] 2 d