409 DR. DONALDSON SMITH'S AOANTHACE^. By a. B. Rendle, M.A., F.L.S. (Plate 362.) (Concluded from p. 398.) Justicia (§Tyloglossa) laetevirens, sp. noy. Frutex ramis glabris subteretibus, internodiis furculis geminis striatis ; foliis laete viridibus parvis breviter petiolatis oblongis mucronulatis prseter margines inferiores ciliatas glabris ; inflorescentiis bifloris sessilibus axillaribus ; bracteolis minutis ; calycis segmentis subulatis superne recurvatis, apice et marginibus puberulis ; corolla externe puberula, tubo ventricoso, labio postico saccato margine superiore libero bifido, interne caeruleo venis insigne lineato, superne flavo, interne carinis longitudinalibus lamelliformibus instructo, labio antico flavo cum lobis tribus crispulatis et disco in cristis convexis elevato ; filamentis erectis antheris nutantibus, appendice plana emarginata ; capsula glabra oblonga breviter mucronata et stipata. Hab. Between Lakes Stefanie and Rudolf, July 9th, 1895. The specimen consists of a long slender branch 6*5 dm. long, 1*5 mm. in diameter, and bearing near the top a very few slender opposite flowering shoots. The leaf-stalk is 1-2 mm. long, the blade 1-5-2 cm. by 5-6 mm. broad or smaller, the lower margins bear a few long ciliae. The bracteoles are reduced to minute and fleshy teeth less than 1 mm. long. The calyx is deeply 5-partite, the segments 3-75-4-5 mm. long. The corolla-tube is 5 mm. long, 4 mm. in diameter at the mouth ; the upper lip, 8 mm. long is broadly sac-like below and bluish in colour, marked internally with sharp longitudinal dark blue lines, the upper free margin is 2 by 3 mm. ; keels start each from a tufted oblique crest just below the level of the stamens and run upwards, converging to within 3 mm. of the top. The lower lip is 11 by 10 mm. the central lobe is the larger. The filaments, 5 mm. long, are erect and parallel with the upper lip, the anthers being almost on a level with the top of the lip. The lower half- anther is 1-5 mm. long, its flat curving appendage (1 mm. long) ends with a triangular, notch. The upper half- anther is a little more than 1 mm. long. The filiform style, 7 mm. long, is sparsely puberulous at the base. The four-seeded capsule is 12 mm. long. In habit and foliage this species recalls some of the small- leaved forms of J. insularis T. Anders., but it is at once dis- tinguished by its larger ventricose flowers. Justicia (Tyloglossa) shebelensis, sp. nov. Suffrutex parva raniosa, ramis albidis scabridulis, junioribus velut foliis subflavide viridibus et pilosis ; foliis parvis obovatis, apice rotundis, interdum retusis, breviter petiolatis; floribus sessilibus paucis in foliorum axillis aggregatis ; bracteis f oliaceis ; bracteolis minutis triangulari- subulatis; calycis segmentis subaequalibus lineari- subulatis ; co- roUaB flayae tubo subinflato sub ore constricto, labio postico late ovato apice bifido, antico 3-lobato, lobis margine crispulatis, apice Journal op Botany. — Vol. 34. [Oct. 1896.] 2 e