Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/482

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figured. One of these, "der weisse Mahn," is evidently Dryas octopetala L. "Mahn" is undoubtedly a misprint for "Mohn," the common poppy (Papaver dubiun or Rhæas). Since the only poppy that grows on Spitzbergen, P. nudicauæ L., has yellow flowers, it is not likely that Martens meant this plant, but rather the common white Dryas, which is not so very unlike a poppy. The other plant is "der rothe Sauerampffer," which probably was Oxyria digyna Campd., now called "Saüerling" by the Germans. If the list of plants collected by Martens be compared with the most recent publication on the flora of Spitzbergen,[1] it will be seen that all the species named in the list have actually been rediscovered by later expeditions. As to the locality where they were collected, it appears that they were found in the neighbourhood of Smeerenberg, on the north-western shore of Spitzbergen, designated by Martens as "Harlinger Kocherey."


By Arthur Bennett, F.L.S.

In 1891 Mr. G. A. Holt kindly sent me a series of specimens from the above island; and, when calling his attention to the species they added to the 2nd ed. of Top. Botany, I asked him to record them in the Journal of Botany. As he has not done this, it seems as well to do so in view of the excursion undertaken to that place in connection with the meeting of the British Association at Liverpool. There are still a good many of the common species (i. e. with census numbers from 90 to 112) that have not been yet recorded to my knowledge, and I trust full lists have been made by some of the visitors.

In the following list, where the species named is followed by a I it means I have seen the plant; where "sp." is noted, that I possess a specimen; in a few other cases the names were given to me by Mr. Holt as having been seen by him.

  • Papaver dubium.
  • P. Rhæas.
  • Viola Curtisii!
  • Spergularia neglecta.
  • Geranium colmnbinum!
  • Trifolium dubium.
  • T.filiforme!
  • Astragalus danicus!
  • Vicia sylvatica!
  • Sanicula europæa!
  • Œnanthe fistulosa!
  • Scandix Pecten-veneris!
  • Erythræa littoralis H. Platts, sp.
  • Veronica Tournefortii.
  • Orobanche major!
  • Verbena officinalis, sp.
  • Echium vulgare, sp.
  • Statice binervosa!
  • Atriplex laciniata!
  • Salicornia herbacea!
  • Parietaria officinalis!
  • Alnus glutinosa.
  • Salix aurita, ex Newbould.
  • S. repens, ex Newbould.
  1. Nathorst, A. G., 'Nya Bidrag till Kännedomen om Spetsbergens Kärlväxter,' Stockholm, 1883, Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hdlgr. xx. No. 6, 88 pp.