468 . CAPE ALGiE. I. c. 538 (1844). AscJepias aphylla Thbg. Prodr. i. 47 (1794) ; Fl. Cap. 153 (1823) ; WiUd. Spec. PI. i. 1262 (1797). Sarcoci/phula GeirarcU Harv. I.e. 58, t. 191 (1863). Uitenhage, Albany, Kaffraria. 2. S. vMiMALE K. Br. Prodr. 463 (1810); E. Mey. I.e. 220 (1837); Dene. I.e. 538 (1844). Cynanchum viminale L. Syst. 257 (1774) ; Willd. Spec. Pi. i. 1252 (1797). Apocynum viminale Bass, in Act. Bon. ex Roem. & Schult. Syst. vi. 113 (1820). Euphorbia vhninalis L. Spec. ii. 649 (1753). Sarcostemma tetrapterum Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. xxi. part i. 255 (1848) ; Walp. Ann. iii. 53 (1852). Cape Colony, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal, Zululand, Orange Free State, Transvaal. XXV. D^MiA R. Br. in Wern. Soc. i. 50 (1811); Dene in DO. Prodr. viii. 544 (1844) ; Bth. & Hk. f. Gen. PI. ii. 764 (1876). 1. D. EXTENSA R. Br. I.e. 50 (1811). D. yaripensis E. Mey. Comm. PL Afr. Austr. 220 (1837) ; Dene. I c. 544 (1844). D. bar- bata Schltr. in Engl. Bot. Jalirb. xx. Beibl. 50, 43 (1895) (necKL). Little Namaqualand, Transvaal. XXVI. Rhyssolobium E. Mey. Comm. PI. Afr. Austr. 217 (1837) ; Dene, in DC. Prodr. viii. 626 (1844) ; Bth. & Hk. f. Gen. PI. ii. 769 (1876). 1.^ R. DUMOSUM E. Mey. I. c. 217 (1887) ; Dene. /. e. 626 (1844). Little Namaqualand. (To be continued.) CAPE ALG^. By Ethel S. Barton. (Continued from p. 198.) Pkotophyce^. Merismopedia mediterranea Nag. Plettenberg, Weber van Bosse ! CHLOROPHYCEiE. AscoTHAMNioN sp. Durban, Weber van Bosse ! Valonia sp. Durban, Weber van Bosse ! This plant approaches V. utricularis Ag., but without a careful revision of the genus it is difficult to mark the limit of each species. I give these two last records without specific names, as it seems to me wise to put on record that these genera are represented in this region. Microdictyon Calodictyon Dee. Durban, Natal, Weber vayi Bryopsis setacea Her. On comparison of the type plants of B.'setacea Hering and B. myosuroides Kiitz., they prove to be one and the same species, and must therefore be united under the older name of Hering.