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- Peyssonnelia, 11; rupestris, 387
- Pharmaceutical Society's Report, 95
- Philippine Plants, 355
- Physcia alba var. trichocarpa,* 68
- Pilocarpon leucoblepharum var. poichilum,* 209
- Placodium aurantiacum, 67; diplacoides,* 67 ; snbfulgens, 67
- Plagiochila Stableri,* 241 (t. 358)
- Plant Breeding (rev.) 277
- Plant-Names, 142
- Plectranthus Galpinni,* 393; neochilus,* 394
- Pleonosporium Tysoni, 195mdriT
- Pleragina, 248 -^'lOQi)
- Pluteus giganteus,* 153 m-f/^M
- Pogochloa, 140
- Polygala alata.* 200; Bakeriana,* 199; Britteinana,* 198 ; ciliata, 399; Elliotii, 199 ; polygoniflora, 200 : ruwenzoriensis,* 199
Polyporns diminutus,* 153 Porina dominicana,'-' 294 ; nitidiila, 295 ; phaæ, 294 ; Vincentina,* 295
- Potamogeton nitens f. involuta (tt. 353-4), 1
- Praeger, K. LI., Botanical Subdivisions of Ireland, 57
- Pringleochloa, 238
- Prionitis nodifera, 459
- Psammotrophe Mgida, 500
- Pseudopyrenula degenerans,* 292; endoxantha,* 292
- Psorotichia americana, * 71
- Ptilophora Beckeri, 350
- Pycreus debilissimus, * 224
- Pyrenomycetes, nomenclature of, 358
- Pyrenopeziza Ellisii, * 149
- Pyrenula aggregans, * 265; pdrinoides, 266
- Pyxine connectens, 69; Meissaeri, 69; sordiata, 69
- Ralfsia disciformis, 385 ' ' a' J07ia^ i
- Ramalina gracilis antillaraum,* 81; peranceps, 32
- Ranunculus pinnatus, 88; tripartitus, 277
- Raphionacme "Welwitsehii,-'- 97
- Rees's Cyclopædia, Dates of, 307
- Reid, C, Plants of Peat, 144
- Rendle, A. B., African Convolvulæese, 36; New African Plants, 54, 127 (tt. 355, 356) ; African Asclepiads, 97 ; MacBride's Elementary Botany (rev.) 139; Bergen's 'Elements of Botany (rev.), 235; New Philippine Plants, 355 ; 'Die Vegetation der Erde ' (rev.), 371; African Acanthaceæ, 395, 409; 'Hortus Boissierianus' (rev.), 483; Sisyrinchium californicum (t. 364), 494;
- Reseda somalensis,* 51
- Reviews:—
- Romanes' ' Darwin,' 42
- Massee's Fungus Flora, 43
- Campbell's Mosses and Ferns, 89
- Hutchinson's Grasses, 93
- Lister's Mycetozoa, 137
- MacBride's Elementary Botany, 139
- Moore's Matto Grosso Plants, 140
- Cooke's Introduction to Fungi, 186
- Saccardo's Botanica in Italia, 188
- Beeby's Pseudo-nomenclature, 230
- Seward's Wealden Flora, 232
- Norman's Norges Flora, 234
- Bergen's Elements of Botany, 235
- Dörfler's Adressbuch, 236
- Bailey's Plant Breeding, 277
- Willamson & Scott's Plants of Coal-Measures, 321
- Bennett's Flora of the Alps, 325
- Wettsteiu's Euphrasia, 369
- Green's Manual of Botany, 370
- Willkomm's Iberian Flora, 371
- Elliot's Flora of Dumfriesshire, 401
- Tate's Horn Expedition, 403
- Allen's American Characeæ, 405
- Hjelt's Conspectus Floræ Fennicae, 434
- Smith's Botany of Ayrshire, 435
- Minks's Protrophie, 436
- Ascherson's Mitteleuropaischen Flora, 480
- Hortus Boissierianus, 483
- Bolus's Icones Orchidealum, 484
- Banks's Journal, 511
- Dixon & Jameson's Handbook of Mosses, 513
- Linnean Society's Library Catalogue, 517
- Rhodochorton parasiticum,* 389
- Rhododendron lussoniense, 356; subsessile, * 357; Whiteheadi, 356
- Rhododermis elegans, 389
- Rhododiscus, 11
- Ribeirea, 249
- Rinodina lævigata, 69
- Ridley, H. N., Malayan Dracaenas, 162; Spatholirion- (t. 360), 329
- Roberts, M., Mosses of Upper Dovey, 330