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of Sea Grove, near Sea View, abundant in July, 185 8, less so in 1859-60, and not a root left in 1863. Hedge close to the windmill at Bembridge, 1859, probably sprung from seeds conveyed with corn. I have seen L. S,»ithii in Ireland and in North Wales in situations where it has every appearance of being native.

XCoroHopus di(Jy)nn, Sm. A single plant in a garden at Niton (Miss E. S. Kirkpatrick) ; on a bank surrounding the farmyard at Dodner, near Newport, in some plenty ; also by the Medina at West Medina Mill. By the shore at East Cowes, and in the Queen's brickyard in Whipping- ham (F. Stratton).

\_Isatis thtctoria, L. In a field of sown grass at Bembridge in 1858. Only two or three plants in the following year.]

Raphrnnts maritinuts, Sm. On shingle in a little cove between Steep- hill and St. Lawrence (A. J. Hambrough) ; " very sparingly in 1858, as if recently established," but tolerably abundant from 1859 to 1862. Probably the seeds were drifted from Freshwater Cliffs.

Cranibe waritima, L. A single root " of doubtful origin " in a cove near Steephill ! (A. J. Hambrough) ; one plant by the pier at Osborne (J. Pristo and F. Stratton, 1867) ; in Totland Bay, ' Phvtologist,' N. s. vol. ii. p. 201. 1857.

Reseda lidea. Downs above Ventnor and Steephill (A. J. Hambrough) ; cornfields at St. Lawh-ence and near Ashey ; a few plants on St. Helen's Spit, conveyed with chalk marl ; a siitgle root on the shore at Sea Grove, similarly introduced; on the race-course on Buccombe Down (R. Tucker). No doubt introduced in many of its localities.

Helianthevium vnlgare, Gaertn. Var. ";S. petalis basi aurantiis," Snooke in his ' Flora Yectiana,' p. 22. This variety is by no means rare in the Underclift", and I have also found it on Ashey Down. The flowers are marked with a dark yellow or orange ring at the base of the corolla ; sometimes this ring is double, and I have seen occasionally a few purplish marks towards the top of the petals in the same flowers, but in other resppcts the variety does not differ i'rom the usual forms of H. vulgare.

Viola hirta, L. With pinkish or flesh-coloured flowers at Luccombe, perhaps a hybrid between V. hirta and V. odorata.

V. sylvatlca. Fries ; V. ReicheiihacJiiajia, Bor. In woods and shadv places about Bend^ridge ; in Centurion's Copse abundantly (1860); at Brading, Puckpool, Quarr Copse, Binstead, and in the landslip at Luc- combe, but much less common than V. Riviniana.

V. canina, L. and Fries. Pasture field between St. Helens and Fivens, 1859; in heathy ground near Ninham Farm; top of Shanklin Down, a plant or two only ; foot of Bleak Down, near Godshill (A. J. Hambrough) ; quite rare.

'\V. tricolor, L. At Shanklin I have found in arable land a few plants with large and altogether purple petals : also near Eyde a plant or two which seem to belong to V. tricolor rather than to V. arvensis.

Fohjgala depressa, Wand. On St. Boniface Down and Colwell Heath (A. J. Hambrough) ; on Pan Common, and, I believe, frequent in heathy and boggy places on sand.

Dianthus Armeria, L. Apparently quite extinct in the Isle of Wight. I have sought for it xmsuccessfully for several years in the only known locality, a sandpit at the side of Morton Lane.

[/>. prolifer, L. The sandy banks and pasture ground where it used to grow are now completely built over.]

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