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Jolis finds the snrae connectinj^ links at Cherbouri^, and describes no less than eighteen forms. (Mciu. Soc. Scient. Nat. de Cherb. vol. i. 1853.)

U. nanus, Linn. On St. Helen's Spit, near Sandown, Shanklin, New- port, and in other parts ; frequent, and usually accompanied by U. Gallii.

Obs. Ononis aroensis, L. The variety (3, mentioned by Snooki^ in his ' Flora Vectiana,' p. 28, and which I have gathered between Brading and St. Helen's, is a form of 0. arvensis, rather more spinose than usual, not O. cainpestris, Kocli, which has not yet been found, though recorded by Dr. Bronifield and Dr. Trimen, as occurring on the opposite coast of Hampshire.

Medicago denticulata, Willd. On the sea-bank near Qnarr Abbey.

  • Melllotns arvensis, Willd. Among clover and sown grass in cultivated

fields, and on their borders; frequent, but apparently introduced with the crop. Bembridge Down, 1856. St. Lawrence, Freshwater, etc. Pro- bably nearly all the localities given by Dr. Bromfield for M. vulgaris, Willd. (Ji. alba, Lara.), belong really to M. arvensis.

[il/. alba, Lam., M. lencantha, Koch. Clover field at Alverstone, Whippingham (.L Pristo).]

Falcatnla ornilhopodioides, Brot. On the village green at St. Helen's. Near Totland's Bay (Dr. G. R. Tate).

Trifoliuni 'medium, L. North side of Brading Down (Major Smith). Banks near Gowes, (Snooke, in Fl. Vect.) Farkhurst Forest (F. Stratton).

T. arveuse, L. Knighton East Copse, by the footpath ; rarely seen inland.

T. striatum, L. In Totland's Bay (G. R. Tate) ; near the Po4 Office at Freshwater (R. Tucker) ; plentiful in a lane near King's Quay (.J. Pristo).

T. scahrum, L. Compton Bay (.\. J. Hambrough) ; Watcombe Bay ; and Harapstead Spit.

T. (jlomeratum, L. Earthen bank on St. Helen's Green; ab )ve Red Clift' in Sandown Bay with Vlcia lathyroides. Blackgang ! (E. Crosfield) I suspect that the locality of St. Catherine's, given for T. snffucatum belongs rather to this species.

[T. hybridum, L. Parkhurst Forest, and about Whippingham, Black- water, etc. (F. Stratton) ; plentiful in a clover field at Harapstead (J. G. Baker).] •

\T. patens, Schi'eb. One root in a clover field between Thorley and Ningwood (J. G. Baker).

T. fliforme, L. Near Bembridge ; St. Helen's Spit; top of Shanklin Down ; pastures near the Wilderness, Luccombe, etc. ; but not counnon.

[Vicia lutea, h. "In Mr. Watson's herbarium a specimen is pre- served, which was sent to him by Miss M. M. Atwood, who lias kiiully informed me that it was gathered by Miss Furber on a rough piece of waste ground near Sandown in I860;" Mr. T. B. Flower, who h:»s seen a nieraorandum left by Dr. Bromfield, to the effect that he had heard of the occurrence of the plant, but had not seen a specimen.]

F. augustifoUa, var. segetalis, Thuil. Hedges near Hillways, Bem- bridge, 1860. Hedge near Freshwater House (J. G. Baker).' Hedges near East Standen, and at Alverstone (F. Stratton).

F. lathyroides, L. Near the footpath along the top of Red Clifi' in Sandown Bay, sparingly (1860).

Obs. Lathyrns maritimns, \^^r. I fear some mistake about this plant.

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