cernuis, calycis basi bracteolis binis subulatis minimis fulti tubo oblongo- turbinato 3^ liu. longo supra ovarium baud producto limbi segmentis 4 parvis triaiigulatis sinubus latis truncatis discretis, petalis . . . ? In provincia Fokien detexit cl. C. F. M. De Grijs. (Exsicc. n. 391.) SylUsio biixifoUo, Schauer, a me non viso, certe arcto juucta connubio, sed folia flores fulcraiitia nequaquam deminuta, atque inflorescentia minime racemosa. Specimen in herbario valde refert E. Fauthieriamim, v. Berg. e Brasilia.
III. Eugenia (Eueugenici) pyxophylla, sp. nov. ; frutescens, glaberrima, ramis teretibus cortice fasco-cinereo obtectis, ramulis tetraqiietris lineis 4 elevatis notatis, foliis crebris ternis coriaceis oblongo-linearibus basi angustatis apice obtusis supra lucidis costa impressa veuisque incon- spicuis subtus opacis costa prominula venisque tenuissimis paulo elevatis marginibus repaudulis recurvis sub lente obscure pellucido-punctatis 9-12 lin. longis lf-3 liu. latis, floribus in raceraum compositum terrainalem ovoideum 9-linealem foliis paucis interstinctis digestis, pedunculis filifor- mibus plerumque bifloris basi bracteolis minimis munitis, alabastris turbi- natis subtetragonis rugulosis sesquilineam longis, calycis segmentis late triangidatis basi approximatis, petalis orbiculatis liberis.
In prov. Kwang-si, a. 1866, coll. rev. J. R. Graves. (Exsicc. n. 13750.) Prsecedenti affinis ; inflorescentia vero, floribusque multo minoribus distincta. Folia lis Myrciarice delicatulcE, v. Bg. simillima.
By Hon. J. L. Warren, M.A., F.L.S.
The following rough notes and queries on Mr. Watson's admirable Compendium, are oifered with some hesitation. They supplement the distribution (cliiefly as regards the province of ^Mersey) of a few aggregate species and several subspecies. So many waifs and strays of alien vege- tation have of late years been battering for admission at the doors of the London Catalogue, that I have ventured to illustrate, by some instances within my own observation, the tenacity and facility with which certain manifest aliens, colonists, and denizens have maintained their ground and rapidly multiplied their individuals in given spots within very limited periods of time : —
Callitriche platycarpa, Kiitz. (p. 173.) — "Localities insufficiently on record." Confirm province 9. Tabley Lake, on the authority of Professor Hegelmaier, to whom I submitted a specimen thence. C. hamulata, Kiitz., and C. autimmalis, L., were also verified by him from the same piece of water. This is the most southern English' station for the latter; but as Anacharis is increasing in Tabley Lake, the CalUtricJie is rather difficult to find now. I found it, however, again, plentifully on the mud of Holford mill-dam, let oft' this year for repairs, some two miles west of the original station in the new edition of E. Bot., " near Tabley Lake boat- house."
Verbascum virgatum, With. (p. 253.) — Add province 9, within a curved enclosure. Twenty or thirty of these plants appeared in a clover-field in Plumley, near Northwich, in 1868 and 1869. Last year the field was already ploughed up when I visited it.
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