��Memoranda of Plants collected by the 'Coquet' in 1856." By I) Oliver, jnn.
Vol IV. " Notices of Remarkable Trees in Northumberland." By the Eev John F. Bigg-eM.A.-" Notes on Plants new to the Flora of Northumberland, with Observations on some Critical Species." By Daniel Ohvei-, jnn., F.KS.-" Catalogue of the Marine AlgaB of Northumberland mid Durham. By George S. Bradley. With Plate.-" Remarks on some New Microscopic Algae." By Tiiffen West., F.L S With Plate
Vol. y. '.'Effects of the Severe Winter of 1S60-1 upon Evergreen Vegetation in Nort lumberland." By Ralph Carr, Esq.-" Notes on the Botany of the South Durham Ballast Hills in the Year 1861 " By the Kev Alfred Merle Norman, M.A.-" Notes on the Species into which tlie_ Linnean Polygonum aviculare has been divided by Continental Bo- l-"!!'^, ?.>^^ '^^,e^• Alfred Merie Norman, M. A.— "Notes on the Flora of the Old and West Hartlepool Ballast Hills, with a List of the Rarer aiKl more Characteristic Species." By M. A. Lawson, B.A., Trin Coll Cambridge. "
Vol. VI. "Notes on Plants collected during the Meeting of the British Association 1863." By J. G. Baker. Contains Notes on the Rubi of t^ie /y"e Province -" On Proliferous Cones of the Common Larch." By John Hogg, M.A., F.R.S., etc.
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��I>endrologie. Baun>e Slniucher and Halbstrducher, weMe in Mlttd- und Noid-Europa z« Freien kulhvirt werden. Von Karl Koch, Med. et I'hil. Dr. Erster Theil. Erlangen. 1869. Pp.735.
Professor Karl Koch has l)rought to the publication of this very useful work a good deal more than the industry of the mere compiler. He is well known to have been long occupied with the origin of our cnltivated fruit- trees ; and no more important inquiry could be suggested to a critical worker nor one more likely to produce information available for other studen s besides geographical botanists. For four years the author travelled ' 11 western Asia, during which time he was always on the look-out for any plants which could be identified with the wild originals of cultivated forms. A short paper read before the British Association gave a resume of his principal results, and concluded with a promise which the publica- tioii of the present volume has in part fulfilled. We have so far the whole ot the cultivated arborescent Fohjpetalce, which are able to adapt them- selves to the climate of North and Mid-Europe. To what eient the mihappy distractions which have produced lamentable hiatuses in so many fields of scientific research will postpone the publication of fresh instalments must be a matter of uncertainty ; but it is to be hoped that u-e shall not have to wait long for the conclusion of a work which will be the standard authority in its subject.
It will be interesting to give Dr. Koch's opinions upon a few points. Of the Pear section of the genus Pyrus, six species are enumerated —
1. PyrusJcJirm,^^,i,^ (the name P. communis, L., is passed over on account of its including cultivated forms). Wild in China
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