Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/209

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Arena strirjoHn, Schrel). " Ratlier coranion in oatfieltls about Plymouth, but always looking as if sown with the crop." — T. R. Archer Briggs.

Fediica amhigna, Le Gall. St. Helen's Spit, Isle of Wight, .Tune 7, 1870. Mr. Strattoii has sent a very large supply of this curious Fiilpia, collected by Mrs. Strattoii. The specimeus have a wonderful siiuilaritv in habit, which is quite that of Festnca unujlutuis, except that the florets are but half the size, although in everything but the disposition of the spikelets in the panicle it can scarcely be distinguished from F. Psendo- myurm. It is strange that the plant has not yet been delected in any station but the above, in which it was first discriminated by Mr. A. G. More, about ten years ago. On the Continent it seems equally rare or little known, as it is recorded only in a few places in the north-west of France, on the coast of Morbilian.

Aspleidiim. septentrionale, Hull. "Rocks at Porlock, Somerset." — Mary Edmunds. The occurrence of this plant in Somersetshire is doubted in the Supplement to the ' Cybele Britannica,' though it is ac- knowledged as a native of Devon. In the third volume of the ' Cybele' itself, the question is raised, whether it occurs in Devon or Sonerset, or in both.

Ophior/foHsinn viihjiifam, Linn. var. ambujiium. " Elevated sandv ground, St. Agnes, Scilly Isles, 1863." — F. Townsend. It is seventeen years since 1 detected this curious little form of Ophioglossiim in the Orkney Islands, in the parish of Orphir, Mainland, Orkney. I am not aware that it has been found elsewhere in Britain, except in the Scilly Isles, by Mr. Townsend. On the Continent it has been noticed in a few places in France, near Paris ; and also near the Tower of Pocau(;y, near Lardy, and at Cape Farret, near Arcachon. The habit of the smaller specimens of the Orkney plant is extremely similar to that of 0. Insitcniicuin, while others from the same station are scarcely distinguishable from normal 0. vnhjutum. Mr. Townsend's specimens are a little larger than the smallest of those from Orkney. A small form of 0. vul(/aium, collected by Mr. A. G. More, at Garryland, co. Galway, comes very near this in point of size, but the barren frond is broadest near the base, and the accessory root-frond of var. amh'ujunui is absent, at least in the specimens which lie has communicated to me.


April Wi,\%l\.

��protcebings of Sodctus.


Natur.vl History Society, March 1. — Rev. Professor Haughton, F.R.S., in the chair. A paper by Mr. G. H. Kinahan, Geological Sur- vey, was read, " On Ferns observed in lar, or West Connauglit, the part of county Galway that lies west of Loughs Mask and Corrib, with localities of a few rare Ferns in S.W. Sligo." The most important observation was the detection of Adianhun CapUlns-Vei/eris, L., five miles from the east end of the Killery Harbour, on the hill N.N.E. of Sheflfey, county Mayo, a point intermediate between the Sligo and the Urrisbeg and Arran loca- lities. Only a few small stools could be found. The lobes of the pin- nules are very deeply serratitd

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