Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/296

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costachys, Sm.; R. iimbrosus, Bab.; R. Radida, Weilie ; R. pallidns, Weihe ; R Balfoiirianus, Blox. ; R. corylifuHiis, Sra. ; R. duijietonaii, Blox., and R.ferox, Blox. None jire additions to the Middlesex list as already given in the Plora by JMr. Warren. Lepidiiim mdei'ale is an abundant wayside weed for almost the whole distance from AYest Drayton Eailway Station to Hillingdon ; especially abundant by the can;d bridge. — Henry Trim en.

My friend, Mr. W. A. Tooke, of Pinner Hill, has been diligently study- ing tlie botany of the districts between Pinner and the Colne. I have had the pleasure of accompanying him in several of his walks ; the result has been the addition of several plants to the flora of the district. It is de- sirable that a record should be kept of these discoveries, and I therefore send you the following list of some of the plants noticed by us since the publication of the ' Plora of Middlesex.' I append the initials of the observer to each plant. Ileliaiitheinnm vulgare, Gsertn, [New to Middle- sex.] On a bank at Pinner Hill, about two yards from the Hertfordshire boundary. "There is a considerable quantity in one patch, but it does not extend far." Aug. 10th, 1871. W. A. T. — Stujlua clUata, Fr. Pinner. W. M. H. — /S. nodosa, E. Meyer. Still growing at Harefield. Aug. 1st, 1871. W. A. T. — Oxalis Acetostlla, L , var. subpurpnrascens, De Cand. Occurs at Pinner. W. M. H. — Genista tinctoria, L. Pinner Hill, and Woodhall, Pinner. W. M. H. — Bupleuriim rot nndi folium, L. A single plant at Pinner in 1869. W. M. H. — {CEumdlLn Fhellandriiim, Lam. Occurs in the Colne at Hamper Mill, Herts, a few miles above the place where it enters Middlesex. It should, therefore, be looked for about Harefield and Uxl)ridge, W. M. H.) — Viscum album, L. Northwood, on Thorns and Ai)ples ; Pinner, on an Apple-tree at the Manor House. W. M. \\.)—Mi^Htha Pulegium, L. [" Extinct," Fl. Midd.] Pond at Pinner Hill. W. M. H. — Chtnopodium Vulvaria, L. Pinner, plentiful. "W.M. H. — Neottia Nidus-avis, Pich. Copse in Headstone Lane, Pinner, Mrs. Bourne. This I have not seen. W. M. H. — Habpiiaria viridis, R, Br. [New to Middlesex.] Pinner Hill. Jinie, 1871. W. A. T.— Juncus dijfnsus, Hoppe. [New to Middlesex.] Porridge-pot Hill, Pin- ner. Aug. 8th, 1871. W. M. H. — Poli/iJof/oii mouspdiensis, «Desf. Pool at Woodridings, Pinner. Aug. 8th, 1871. W. M. Yi. — Cyafopteris frngiUs, Bernh. [New to Middlesex.] Pinner. The exact locality is, for evident reasons, withheld. W. M. H. — The plant noted in ' F'lora of Middlesex ' (p. 273) as Epipactis paluatris, Sw., was found again in Pinner Wood last year, 187U, but I had not an o|)portuniiy of seeing it. Two plants have been found this year in Nanscot Wood, about thirty yards beyond the Middlesex boundary, which are probably E. purparata, Sm. I should have certainly marked them so, were it not that the fully-blown flowers are patent and not connivent, and the upper bracts are shorter than the flowers. The lip is very faintly crenate, but not sufficiently so nor sufficiently large to assure me that it is E. palustris. The germens of the flovvers are ghmdular, not flowny. A plant with very large roundish leaves, nearly obovato-spathulate, has been found in Pinner Wood by ]\Ir. W. A. Tooke (not in Howcr), which I think will prove to be Epipactis lutifolia. All. Should it reappear next year, we may settle this point. An Epipactis, either latifoUa or wedia, has been found in copse at Headstone, Pinner, by Mr. Bourne. — W. M. Hind.

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