Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/318

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bi-tripartite, robust, dense-leaved, with a few radicles. Leaves trifarious, sqiiarroso-recurved, when dry twisted and somewhat crisped, elongate, lanceolate, concave, complicate towards apex ; margin strongly revolute ; nerve strong, reaching apex ; cells at base elongated, with sinuous walls like those of Rhacomitrium, above irregularly stellate. — Dripping alpine rocks. Ben Bulben, Sligo (Moore).

Sect. 4. Si/ntrlckia.

24. T. princeps, De Notaris, Syll. p. 170, 1838.— 5«;7jvZa Mfdleri, Bry. Eur. 1842. 25. T. ruralls, L.

36. T. intermedia, Bridel, Bry. Univ. i. p. 586. — T. riiralis, yS. minor, Bry. Brit. Barbnla ruralis, (i. rupestris, Schp. — Dioicous, resembling T. ruralis, but growing iu short, compact tufts, rufesceiit when dry, and very hoary from the long hair-points of the leaves. Stem short, fastigiatc branched. Leaves crowded, erect, appressed when dry, oblong spathulate, carinate, obtusely rounded at apex ; margin recurved, and without the two longitudinal striae seen in ruralis ; hair-point often longer than the leaf, serrated. Cells twice smaller, very obscure, and papillose. Seta and capsule much shorter, and also the teeth of peristome. — -Calcareous rocks and old walls.

27. T. papulosa, Wils. 28. T. latifoUa, Bruch. 29. T. suhulata, L. Lindberg considers T. mucronifvlia, to be a variety of this.

Sect. 5. Tortuosfe.

30. T. tortnosa, (L.) Ehrt.

31. T. hibernica, Mitten, Seem. Journ. Bot. 1867, p. 329. — Ancec- tangium Horn scJinchian urn , Bry. Brit. TricJiostomum cirrhifuUnm., Schp. ms. Didymodon controversns, Wils. ms. (Plate CXX. f. 5). — Stems elon- gated, 2-4 iu. high, branched. Leaves laxly inserted, somewhat comose, and stellate at summit; the base erect, dilated and clasping above, thence spreading and divergent, ovato-lanceolate, passing into lineal-subulate, acute, nearly straight, channelled, cirrhate when dry ; nerve yellowish, continued to apex, smooth at back ; margin erect, quite entire. Cells at base pellucid, elongate, rectangular, quickly passing into the minute rounded obscure ones which form the rest of the leaf. — Mountains at Dnnkerron, Killarney. Anoectanginm Ilorn^cliucJtinnum. has the basal margin serrulate, and in Trichostomnm cylindricam the base is scarcely wider than the upper part.

32. T. nitida, Lindberg, Ocfv. Vet. A.k. Forhand. 1864, p. 2^2.— Tri- cliostomum diffrnctnm, Mitten, Seem. Journ. Bot. 1868, p. 98. — Densely Ctiespitose, blackish-green. Stem short, rigitl, dense leaved, branched. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry arcuato-incurved, lanceolate, obtuse, chan- nelled, quite entire; margin plane, a little undulated; nerve terete, very thick, and ending in a very short apicidus, when dry pale, and glossy on the back ; upper cells indistinct, very minute, densely papillose, those of base much larger, pellucid, ascending obliquely upward toward margin. Leaves very fragile, and usually broken in the middle. — South-west coast, Plymouth (Holmes), Torqttay (Borrer), Shoreham Beach (Nowell).

'33. T. simosa, Wilson, ms. ; Mitten, Journ. Bot. 1867, p. 327. — Trichosfomuni siiiuosnm, Lindberg. Dicranella sinnosa, Wils. (Plate CXX. f. G). — Densely caespitose, dull yellow-green above, fuscous below. Stems

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