Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/55

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��petal. After being placed in this manner it appeared that the species numbered 1-5 in the fifth edition of Babington's ' Manual of British Botany ' lay in a straight line whose equation was x — 4< 1/ + 11 = 0, that those numbered 6-8 lay in a parallel straight line whose equation was X — 43^ + 6 = 0, and that the remaining four, 9-12, lay in a third straight line, whose equation was x — y = 4.

The accompanying figure was contained in the above-mentioned paper. The unit of length is three-twentieths of an inch.


I. R. trichoplti/llus ^ (13,6). II. R. Drouetii (9, 5)

III. R. heterophyllus


IV. B. con/usus (21,

8). V. R. Baudotii (17,

7). VI. R.Jloribundus (26, 8). VII. R. peltatm (30, 9). VIII. n. tnpartitus, (0, 3). IX. R. circinatus (I", 11). X. R. flidtans, (18, U). )

XI. R. ccenostis (9, 5). XII. R. hederaceus (7, 1 8). J

The names follow the fifth edition of Babing- ton's • Manual of British Botany.'

���Axis of veins of petals.

��In the same paper it was noticed that while in E. confusus, Godr., the flowering peduncles are nearly straight, and the stamens are longer than the head of carpels ; in the allied R. Baudotii, Godr., the stamens are shorter than the head of carpels, and the peduncles are much and firmly arched. Thus a provision appears to be made to enable the pollen in eacb case easily to reach the stigmas and fertilization to take place.

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