I. Abstract of the Contents of the Dul-va, or first portion of the Kah-gyur, from the Analysis of Mr. Alexander Csoma de Körös. By H. H. Wilson, Sec. A. S. 1
II. On the Native Method of making the Paper, denominated in Hindustan, Nipalese. By B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Acting Resident, Nipal, 8
III. Account of a new Genus of Land Snails, allied to the Genus Cyclostoma, of Lamarck; with a Description of a Species found on the outlying Rocks of the Rajmahal range of Hills. By W. H. Benson, Esq. Bengal Civil Service, 11
IV. Examination of Minerals from Ava. By J. Prinsep, Sec. Ph. Cl. 14
V. New Bridge over the Mussi, at Hyderabad, 17
VI. A Method of rectifying a Route Protraction, 19
VII. Comparison of the Indus and Ganges Rivers, 20
VIII. Summary of Meteorological Observations made at the Surveyor General's Office in Calcutta, during the years 1829-30-31, 23
IX. Scientific Intelligence.
1. Account of an Earthquake at Lahore, 23rd Jan. 1832, 34
2. Population of Allahabad, ib.
X. Proceedings of Societies.
1. Asiatic Society, 35
2. Medical aud Physical Society, 37
3. Société d'Histoire Naturelle of the Mauritius, 39
I. Account of the Honorable Company's Botanic Garden at Seharanpur. By J. F. Royle, Esq. late Superintendent, 41
II. Further Illustrations of the Antilope Hodgsonii. By B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 59
III. Note relative to the Account of the Jarâi, published in the Gleanings, No. 14. By the same, 66
IV. On Modes of obtaining Important Results by Simple Means. By Capt. G. Twemlow, Bomb. Arty, 68
V. Scientific Intelligence.
1. Progress of the Indian Trigonometrical Survey, 71
2. Climate of Vera Cruz, 73
3. Range of the Barometer at Berhampúr, ib.
4. Hourly Observations of the Barometer in the Fortress of Cavite, 74
5. Dr. Wise's Ice Manufacture at Húgli, ib.
VI. Proceedings of Societies.
1. Asiatic Society, ib.
2. Medical and Physical Society, 78
3. Société d'Histoire Naturelle of the Mauritius, 79
No. 3.—MARCH.
I. Analysis of the Puranas. By H. H. Wilson, Sec. As. Soc. 81
II. On the Poetry of Madagascar. By the Rev. Mr. Baker, 86
II. Extracts from Dr. Royle's Explanatory Address on the Exhibition of his Collections in Natural History, at the Meeting of the Asiatic Society on the 7th March, 96