Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 13 Part 2.pdf/122

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Political Events in the Carnatic, from 1564 to 1687.
[No. 152.

At this time, a Raja named Veejaya-Ragavarauze of the Ballega caste ruled at Tanjore, whose ancestors were established in that state by Kistna-Rayel on a very honorable footing. The king of Madura, proud of the strength of his army, suddenly marched against him, put Veejaya-Rauze to death, and returned after this victory to his capital. The son of Veejaya-Ragavaraja, named Chengamala Naik, sent his minister as ambassador, who made all possible haste to Bengaloor, where he came into the presence of Ekojee, and represented thus: I am the chief minister of Chengamalla Naik, king of Tanjore, who is my lord, and being attacked and deprived of his country by the lord of Madura, has sent to request your aid and support with all your forces to conquer his enemy, for which he undertakes to defray the field charges of your troops.

Ekojee upon this representation of the minister, consented to his proposal; he then sent to Chichadava-Raja, signifying his having engaged to go to the assistance of Taujore, and the necessity that he should be in condition to fulfil his engagements to the utmost in every sense. Ekojee, therefore, for a sum sufficient for the disbursements of his troops, made over to Chickadava Raja, his district of Bangalore for 1,200,000 rupees, and on receiving payment thereof, he marched. On his arrival near Tanjore, he wrote to the lord of that city to discharge the arrears of 5000 of his cavalry; the demand was complied with, and he received sufficient to pay his troops for one month. Then under the pretext of bringing more forces, he returned from thence back, and having intelligence of the state of Aranee, he suddenly attacked that fort, got possession of it, putting the garrison to death, and placed Vadajee, one of his officers there, with a force to maintain it. He then went to Tanjore with only about 200 horse, and represented to the Tanjore lord, that his troops being in arrears to a very large amount, they had refused to obey his orders until their balance was discharged; but if he would now advance him sufficient to discharge the balance of two months, he swore to bring his whole army to reduce his enemy, and to obey at all times his commands. He then took an oath at Coombaconum in the divine presence of God, upon which Chengamalla Raja paid him the money he wanted, requesting him to hasten by all means to march against Madura; but the ungrateful Ekojee, who had privately leagued with the Madura king, then requested, that having on his account and for his service made over his country to Chichadava Raja, and being obliged to carry his family along with him to the field, he would grant him a place where they