Another family is afterwards spoken of. There was a Bráhman named Bhíma, of the S'ánḍilya gotra and Udgara anwaya. He had a brother Vásudeva and a sister Lakshmí. Her one Vámana seems to have married: but I have failed to ascertain who he was, as likewise the purport of all that ensues of the inscription.
The year 1115 of the Samvat era corresponds to A. D. 1058.
To the Secretary, Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Sir,—I have the honor to present to our Society, on behalf of Major R. R. W. Ellis, a copper-plate land-grant, dated in the year of Vikramáditya answering to A. D. 1097. The donor informs me that this record was "discovered, six years ago, by the Jágírdár of Kotí, in removing some ruins in a fort, Raipur, near Soháwal, an ancient city four kos east from Nágod."
This grant is the first of the two which I have translated in our Journal for last year, (Vol. XXVII. pp. 217, 250). On recent reference to the original, I find that, at p. 221, 1. 6 ab infra, I sould have read (Indic characters) in place of (
Indic characters). But the change of sense entailed by this correction is only very immaterial. In my rendering of a passage a little higher up the same page, perhaps it would have been preferable to restrict (
Indic characters) to (
Indic characters) &c., (
Indic characters) to (
Indic characters) &c. and (
Indic characters) to (
Indic characters) &c.
Calcutta, Maundy Thursday, 1859.
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