DESCRIPTION: MALE. UPPERSIDE, both wings dull brown, slightly
tinged with ochreous. Forewz'ng with a diseal maeular band consisting of
seven separated portions, the four anterior ones elongated, whitish, dusted
with fuseous, the three posterior ones rounded, white, tinted with violet
in some lights; three subapieal small violet-white spots arranged in an
equilateral triangle, with the apex of the triangle towards the outer
margin of the wing; a large quadrate ochreous spot in the first median
interspaee within the diseal band, a smaller one in the submedian
iuterspace bisected by the internervnlar fold, a narrow streak on the
inner margin. Hindwing with a broad even discal white band, strongly
tinted with violet in some lights, extending from the costa to near the
abdominal margin, divided by a highly irregular fascia, anteriorly
fuseous, posteriorly broader and paler, the fascia broken at the third
median nervule, a complete marginal series of whitish spots between
the veins. UNDERSIDE, both wings marked and coloured almost exactly as
in H. pringondam', Fruhstorfer, from Java. FEMALE, as in the male, but
the violet suifusion of the upperside rather more prominent.
Closely allied to H. schoenbergi, Standingcr, from South-East Borneo, and to II. pringomluni. It differs from both in the violet reflections of the upperside ; it agrees with the latter in the fuseous fascia of the hiudwing on the uppersidc placed on the diseal white band being strongly broken and dislocated in the middle, thereby differing from the former. The markings of the forewing diffcr a good deal in detail in II. pringondum' and H. suInathm, as will be noted by a reference to the figures and descriptions of the two species.
Described from two males and three females in Dr. Martin’s and my collection, one of which was taken in the virgin forest at Selesseh in September. It may be a mimic of the common species of Euthalia (Felderia) of the group of cocytina, Horsficld.
5. NEPTIS CLINIOIDES, n. Sp., Plate 1, Fig. 8, d‘.
HABITAT: Battak Menntains, N.-E. Sumatra.
EXPANSE: d‘, 9 , 2'2 inches.
DESCRIPTION: MALE and FEMALE. UPPERSIDE, both wings deep black, markings creamy-white. Forewing with the discoidal streak wide, joined to the triangular spot beyond, just “ nicked ” or indented anteriorly at the end of the cell ; the diseal series consists of seven spots, placed in two groups, the upper of three, the lower of four spots, the groups well separated, the uppermost spot very small, linear, the two following large, conjoined, divided only by the upper discoidal nervule, the four posterior spots large, contiguous; the submarginal macular line obsolete in the male, compoaed of small linear streaks in the female.