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Copt As Soc
Sanscrit Legend on six indo-sassanian coins.
(Indic characters) JZeaf-ortLtia-n of tit c legend en JAc jmgmrt o^" #«. S~ M c*n£. PEHLEVI LEG-END of -th * OBVERSE ON AH.S.A from s/.v. S'a.ija.-nt'a.n coc7 t s oj jS H * ?0 fK .JW**>+«t. Mum- Of. vjw» -o vsr^oj^ >»^3Mtv stx>AojosTc VwWiVAs»mA A^ fcsasttaWsa&K, Jam*, commencement «»i */«« *#*&*/,*' Jiustam scu.//>turc ^^10 J ?i }>S Otut/ta. COCTt to-i/ft. i/z.€. yYiiKTect Cctjo , M.arsd.Jfc/x . Of. J. e <r<2.n d on e/*.'r7tetn- oj JVC u Ji *j rn m c <£ 7t in Sam.