“Every body would have said that my ghost had appeared.”
“But how were they to have reconciled a ghost’s writing?” asked I.
“I should most likely have passed the remainder of my life in Turkey, if I had not been called home by my mother’s death and my affairs,” said he. “I mean to return to Greece, and shall in all probability die there.”
Little did I think, at the time he was pronouncing these words, that they were prophetic!
“I became a member of Drury-lane Committee, at the request of my friend Douglas Kinnaird, who made over to me a share of 500l. for the purpose of qualifying me to vote. One need have other qualifications besides money for that office. I found the employment not over pleasant, and not a little dangerous, what with Irish authors and pretty poetesses. Five hundred plays were offered to the Theatre during the year I was Literary Manager. You may conceive that it was no small