mously agreed tor propose a meeting at the city of New
York, of committees from the houses of representatives of
the several British colonies on this continent, on the first`
Tuesday in October nent, to consult together on the present
circumstances of the colonies, and the dimcultiest ot
which they are and must be reduced by the operation of
the acts of parliament, for laying duties and taxes on the
colonies, and t/o consider of an, humble representation' of
t-heir condition to his majesty and the parliament and to
implore relief; came to hand at an unlucky- season, it being
in the recess of the general assembly of this province.
Nevertheless, immediately upon the receipt of your letter,
I dispatched expresses to the several representatives of
this province, acquainting them with the purport thereof;
and requesting them to meet at this place without delay.
And accordingly they met here on Monday last, td the number of sixteen, being a large majority of the representatives of this province; the whole consisting of twenty live persons, but his excellency our governor, being applied to, did not think it expedient to call them together on the occasion;, which is the reason of not sending a committee as proposed by your house, for you may be assured, no representatives on this continent can more sincerely concur in the measures proposed, than do, the representatives of the province now met together; neither can any people, as individuals, . more warmly espouse the common cause of the colonies, thando the, people of this province.
The gentlemen now present request, as a favor, you will be pleased to send me a copy of such representation as may be agreed upon by the several committees at New-York, and acquaint me how, and in what manner the same is to be laid before the king and parliament, whether by any person particularly authorized for that purpose, or by the colony agents. The general assembly of this province stands prorogued to the~22d day of October next, which is