Page:Journal of the Optical Society of America, volume 30, number 12.pdf/41

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Table I.—Continued.

X Y Z x y Dominant
BG 4/6 .9911 .1317 .1867 .2225. 3214 491.6 32.1
4/4 .1071 .1379 .1841 .2496 .3214 491.9 32.1
4/2 .1185 .1389 .1789 .2716 .3184 491.6 22.0
3/6 .0551 .0805 .1198 .2157 .3152 490.8 35.2
3/4 .0531 .0724 .0996 .2359 .3216 491.8 27.2
3/2 .0603 .0740 .0982 .2594 .3183 491.5 18.9
2/4 .0351 .0455 .0630 .2445 .3168 491.3 24.2
2/2 .0377 .0448 .0581 .2679 .3187 491.6 15.5
10 G 7/4 .3875 .4680 .5261 .2805 .3387 500.2 9.8
6/6 .2641 .3580 .3992 .2586 .3505 499.1 17.3
6/4 .2700 .3409 .3933 .2689 .3395 497.8 14.0
5/6 .1366 .2067 .2313 .2377 .3597 498.3 24.3
5/4 .1612 .2105 .2368 .2649 .3459 498.9 15.0
4/4 .0931 .1274 .1438 .2556 .3497 498.4 18.3
3/4 .0517 .0753 .0838 .2453 .3572 498.7 21.7
G 8/6 .4551 .5661 .5755 .2850 .3545 511.6 8.6
8/4 .5017 .5892 .6180 .2936 .3448 513.5 5.9
8/2 .5098 .5739 .6132 .3004 .3382 521.0 4.3
7/6 .3303 .4371 .4380 .2740 .3626 507.5 11.9
7/4 .3499 .4324 .4500 .2839 .3509 506.5 8.6
7/2 .3722 .4199 .4631 .2965 .3345 508.3 4.4
6/6 .2073 .3058 .2830 .2604 .3841 508.6 16.6
6/4 .2385 .3099 .3058 .2792 .3628 510.1 10.4
6/2 .2628 .3052 .3266 .2938 .3412 511.5 5.6
5/8 .1074 .1813 .1471 .2464 .4160 511.3 21.8
5/6 .1235 .1850 .1621 .2624 .3931 512.0 16.6
5/4 .1443 .1920 .1857 .2764 .3678 511.0 11.6
5/2 .1603 .1871 .2018 .2919 .3407 508.5 6.0
4/4 .0908 .1293 .1180 .2686 .3824 511.8 14.3
4/2 .1076 .1289 .1352 .2895 .3468 510.5 7.0
3/4 .0527 .0767 .0678 .2672 .3889 513.1 15.2
3/2 .0574 .0719 .0721 .2850 .3570 512.5 8.8
2/2 .0346 .0420 .0457 .2827 .3435 503.5 9.0
10 GY 8/6 .4734 .5851 .4375 .3164 .3911 555.0 21.8
8/4 .5216 .6177 .5275 .3129 .3706 553.7 15.5
7/8 .3202 .4513 .2434 .3155 .4447 553.2 36.2
7/6 .3416 .4514 .3003 .3124 .4129 553.3 26.8
7/4 .3783 .4549 .3776 .3124 .3757 553.0 16.8
6/10 .2099 .3116 .1344 .3200 .4751 544.2 45.6
6/8 .2334 .3288 .1660 .3205 .4515 554.8 18.3
6/6 .2303 .3162 .1899 .3127 .4294 552.3 31.3
6/4 .2478 .3120 .2475 .3069 .3865 548.8 18.3
5/8 .1311 .1955 .0889 .3155 .4705 552.8 43.2
5/6 .1532 .2177 .1145 .3156 .4485 553.2 37.3
5/4 .1661 .2086 .1569 .3125 .3924 552.6 21.2
4/6 .1007 .1406 .0876 .3062 .4275 549.2 29.3
4/4 .1053 .1367 .1053 .3032 .3936 546.1 19.3
3/4 .0598 .0813 .0555 .3039 .4138 547.6 24.8

trichromatic coefficients. The last two columns list the dominant wave-length in millimicrons and the excitation purity in percent.[1] The dominant wave-length in the case of purples is indicated by listing the wave-length of the complementary color.

We wish here to acknowledge our indebtedness to Professor Arthur C. Hardy, who suggested this undertaking and offered much helpful advice during the progress of the work. We are indebted also to Dr. David L. MacAdam for operating the spectrophotometer during the determination of the spectrophotometric data.
  1. The Handbook of Colorimetry (Technology Press, Cambridge. Massachusetts, 1936).