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floor which was carried unanimously, the President was instructed to cast one ballot for Arthur C. Hardy. He thereupon declared Arthur C. Hardy elected Secretary for the term October, 1940 to October, 1941.

The President called attention also to the unusually fine program that had been arranged for this meeting and declared his intention to dispatch letters of appreciation to those who had been responsible for the arrangements. By a motion which was carried unanimously, the President was instructed to send telegrams expressing regrets to the charter members who had been unable to attend the meeting.

Contributed Papers

Sessions for the reading and discussion of contributed papers continued throughout Saturday, October 5, the authors’ abstracts of these papers being appended.


The total number of members who registered at this meeting was 208. Much of the success of the meeting was due to the efforts of a committee appointed by the Rochester Section and consisting of the following: Leon V. Foster, Chairman, R. E. Burroughs, A. A. Cook, A. Doyle, George Gardner, H. F. Kurtz, R. Miller, B. Noyes, Brian O’Brien, F. H. Perrin, C. M. Tuttle, and T. R. Wilkins.

Among the special events arranged by this committee were trips to the Research Laboratories of the Eastman Kodak Company, to the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, and to many other places of interest. A complimentary luncheon at the Taylor Instrument Company on Friday was followed by an inspection tour of the plant. An unusually attractive program for the entertainment of the ladies was arranged by a committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. Brian O’Brien.

Meeting of the Board of Directors

A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday, October 2, 1940. Minutes of the meeting are appended.

Arthur C. Hardy, Secretary

Minutes of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America, Incorporated

Hotel Sagamore, Rochester, New York, October 2, 1940

BESIDES the transaction of routine business and the receiving of reports from chairmen of committees and representatives, the following items of general interest to members of the Society were taken up.

Announcement by Secretary

Results of Letter Ballots

1. Award of first Adolph Lomb Medal to David L. MacAdam.

2. Appointment of Clifton M. Tuttle as a member of the Committee on Meetings and Programs.

3. Appointment of (Mrs.) Blanche Bellamy to the Colorimetry Committee.

4. Resolution setting time and place of next O. S. A. meeting (to be held jointly with the American Physical Society in Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 21 and 22, 1941).

5. Appointment of Special Committee to Cooperate with A. I. P. in planning the Tenth Anniversary Meeting of the Founder Societies in October, 1941.


The Secretary reported that since the last meeting of the Board four members had died, forty-two new members had been elected as of January 1, 1940, and eight as of January 1, 1941.

Transfer from Associate to Regular Membership

The following were transferred from associate to regular membership:

Frederick W. Brock 1194
Willoughby M. Cady 1191
H. Keffer Hartline 1210
F. C. Hutchings 1026
Edwin E. Jelley 1230
Theodore F. Karwoski 1217
C. N. Nelson 1231
Robert H. Park 1219
Earle E. Richardson 1232
Charles P. Shillaber 1244
John Spence 1188
J. A. Van den Akker 1242
George Wald 1208
S. Rains Wallace 1226

Financial Status of the Society

The Treasurer gave an informal report which