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  • Hardy, Arthur C. Automatic telescope control—654(A)
  • —— Minutes of the fifteenth meeting of the directors of the O. S. A.—267
  • —— Minutes of the sixteenth meeting of the Board of Directors of the O. S. A—650
  • —— Proceedings of the New York meeting of the O. S. A.—265
  • —— Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the O. S. A.—646
  • —— (see Duntley, S. Q.)—271(A)
  • —— (see Tyler, John E.)—90(A), 587
  • Harris, Louis and Jack Adolphus Kyger. Uninterrupted measurements with a rotating sector—505(R)
  • —— and Alvin C. Scholp. Response of sputtered thermocouples to interrupted radiation—519
  • Harrison, George R. Editorial comment—41, 141, 183, 229, 321, 367, 461, 507, 573
  • —— and Edward P. Bentley. Improved high speed recording spectrophotometer—290
  • —— and Julius P. Molnar. Photoelectric measurement of scale marks and spectrum lines—343
  • —— “Time to stump the experts’”—275
  • Harrison, T. R. and Wm. H. Wannamaker. Improved radiation pyrometer—655(A)
  • Hartline, H. K. Nerve messages in the fibers of the visual pathway—90(T), 239
  • Hatch, R. S. Use of instruments: in pulp—273(A)
  • Hayes, Hammond Vinton (see Smith, Philip N.)—332
  • Hecht, Selig. Necrology: Harold Mestre—317
  • —— (see Pirenne, Maurice Henri)—270(A)
  • Herman, Robert C. Note on the measurement of pupillary diameters—316(R)
  • Herzberger, M. Normal systems with two caustic lines—307
  • Hitchcock, William J. (see Molnar, Julius P.)—523
  • Holway, A. H. and M. J. Zigler. Komplextheorie of visual sensation—270(A)
  • Homer, Howard J. (see Jones, Frank L.)—654(A)
  • Horsfall, R. Bruce, Jr. Measurement of numerical aperture—655(A)
  • Houskeeper, William G. Separation negatives for color photography—365(L)
  • Huggins, Maurice L. Density of silicate glasses as a function of composition—420
  • —— Dispersion of silicate glasses as a function of composition—514
  • —— Refractive index of silicate glasses as a function of composition—495
  • —— Refractive indices of liquid aliphatic organic compounds—652(A)
  • Hunter, Richard S. Applications and accuracy of three-filter photoelectric colorimetry—272(A)
  • —— Multipurpose photoelectric reflectometer—536
  • —— Sources of error in operation of the multipurpose reflectometer—89(A)
  • Ives, Herbert E. Doppler effect from moving mirrors—255
  • —— Quarter century of optics reviewed—654(T)
  • —— and G. R. Stilwell. Interference phenomena with a moving medium—653(A)
  • Jobe, F. W. Necrology: Arthur F. Dittmer—319
  • Jones, Frank L. and Howard J. Homer. Chemical methods for increasing the transparency of glass surfaces—654(A)
  • Jones, Loyd A. and C. N. Nelson. Study of various sensitometric criteria of negative film speeds—93
  • Judd, Deane B. Foreword: Munsell color system—574
  • —— Hue saturation and lightness of surface colors with chromatic illumination—2; Erratum, 296
  • —— and L. C. Lewis. Introduction. Dialogue between Mr. Papermaker and Mr. Meter—272(A)
  • Kerr, G. P. (see Taylor, A. H.)—88(A)
  • Killian, James T. (see Glenn, J. J.)—609
  • Koch, Walter. Simple method for determining chromatic aberration for photomicrographic purposes—564
  • Koppius, O. T. (see Ramsay, B. P.)—439
  • Kyger, Jack Adolphus (see Harris, Louis) —505(R)
  • Land, Edwin H. Vectographs: Images in terms of vectorial inequality and their application in three-dimensional representation—230
  • Lee, O. Ivan. (see Northup, M. Allen) —206
  • Leverenz, H. W. Optimum efficiency conditions for white luminescent screens in kinescopes—309
  • Lewis, L. C. (see Judd, D. B.)—272(A)
  • Little, E. M. (see Shallenberger, G. D.)—168
  • Longyear, William L. Science visits the artist—274(A)
  • Lowan, A. N. and G. Bianch. Tables of Planck’s radiation and photon functions—70, 269(A)
  • Luckiesh, Matthew and Frank K. Moss. Supra-threshold realm of seeing—90(T)
  • —— and Frank K. Moss. Supra-threshold visibility—62
  • Lucks, C. F. (see Russell, H.W.)—248
  • —— and H. W. Russell. Fluorescent mercury-vapor lamp as a light source for a single-point check on optical pyrometers—163
  • Lucy, Frank Allen. Exact and approximate computation of Schmidt cameras. I. Classical arrangement—251
  • MacAdam, David L. Noticeability of color difference in daylight—657(A)
  • Macht, David I. Clinical blood pharmacology after treatment with x-rays—270(A)
  • MacPherson, H. G. Carbon arc as a radiation standard—189
  • Marden, J. W., N. C. Beese and George Meister. Operating temperatures of vapor lamps—184
  • Marshall, J. K. (see Smith, H. D.)—338
  • Maxwell, Louis R. Symposium on optical methods for study of molecular structure. II. Electronic diffraction method—265(T), 374
  • Mees, C. E. K. Recent development in photography—654(T)
  • Meister, George (see Marden, J. W.)—184
  • Metropolis, N. (see Beutler, H.)—115
  • Michaelson, J. L. and W. R. Fanter. Calibration data on General Electric recording spectrophotometer—656(A)
  • Molnar, Julius P. (see Harrison, George R.)—343
  • —— and William J. Hitchcock. Zeeman effect in the rhodium arc spectrum at high fields—523
  • Monk, George S. Some observations on low reflection evaporated fluoride coatings—571(L)