Page:Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks.djvu/126

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Chap. IV

scarcely twenty-one years of age, remarkably quiet and industrious, and, to make his exit more melancholy, was driven to the rash resolution by an accident so trifling that it must appear incredible to everybody who is not well acquainted with the powerful effects that shame can work upon young minds.

This day at noon he was sentry at the cabin door, and while he was on that duty, one of the captain's servants, being called away in a hurry, left a piece of sealskin in his charge, which it seems he was going to cut up to make tobacco pouches, some of which he had promised to several of the men. The poor young fellow had several times asked him for one, and when refused had told him that since he refused him so trifling a thing, he would, if he could, steal one from him. This he put into practice as soon as the skin was given into his charge, and was of course found out immediately, as the other returned and took the piece he had cut off from him, but declared that he would not complain to the officers for so trifling a cause. In the meantime the fact came to the ears of his fellow-soldiers, thirteen in number, who stood up for the honour of their corps so highly that before night they drove the young fellow almost mad by representing his crime in the blackest colours as a breach of trust of the worst description. A theft committed by a sentry on duty they made him think a most inexcusable crime, especially when the thing stolen had been given into his charge. The sergeant particularly declared that if the person aggrieved would not complain, he would himself do so, for people should not suffer scandal from the ill-behaviour of one. This affected the young man much, and he went to his hammock; soon after the sergeant called him on deck; he got up, and slipping past the sergeant, went forward; it was dusk, and the people were not convinced that he had gone overboard till half an hour after the event.

31st. Myself not quite so well; a little inflammation in my throat, and swelling of the glands.

1st April. Somewhat better to-day. As my complaint