Page:Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks.djvu/381

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often use the article ge, which seems to answer to our English a, as ge gurka—a rope.

Wageegee the head Meanang fire
Morye the hair Walba a stone
Melœa the ears Yowall sand
Yembe the lips Gurká a rope
Bonjoo the nose Bāmā a man
Unjar the tongue Poinja a male turtle
Wallar the beard Mameingo a female turtle
Doomboo the neck Maragan a canoe
Cayo the nipples Pelango to paddle
Soolpoor the navel Takai set down
Mangal the hands Mierbarrar smooth
Coman the thighs Garmbe blood
Pongo the knees Yo-core wood
Edamal the feet Tapool bone in nose
Kniorror the heel Charngala a bag
Chumal the sole Cherr Expressions maybe of admiration which they continually used while in company.
Chongain the ankle Cherco
Kulke the nails Yarcaw
Gallan the sun Tut tut tut tut