Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalof283018951897roya).pdf/235

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The Council of the Straits Asiatic Society received with great regret the news of the death of Dr. REINHOLD ROST, C.I.E., which occurred at Canterbury, on February 7th, 1896.

DR. ROST, who was born at Eisenberg on February 2nd, 1822, was Librarian to the India Office from 1869 till 1894, and was well known as a distinguished orientalist aud Malay scholar.

He edited for the Society the two series of Miscellaneous Papers relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago, which were published in 1886 and 1887, and in recognition of these and other services he was elected an Honorary Member on March 3rd, 1887.

DR. ROST took the deepest interest in the work of the Society and many members who knew him personally are indebted to him for his valuable assistance, always given readily to all who were engaged in any of the various branches of research in which he himself took such a profound interest.

The Society has sustained a severe loss by the unexpected deaths, this year, of two valuable members—the Hon'ble H. A. O'BRIEN, and the Hon'ble MARTIN LISTER.

Both gentlemen from time to time wrote papers for the Journal and contributed in no small degree to the information that has of recent years been obtained about the Malay Peninsula.

Before the Society was founded in the year 1875 Mr. O'BRIEN accompanied the late Mr. DALY on an expedition across the Malay Peninsula, via the Muar aud Pahang rivers. The results of their joint expedition were recorded in the first Map of the Peninsula which was published by the Society in 1879. At that time the interior of the Peninsula was a terra incognita and the expedition was the first attempt to explore the interior and involved no small amount of danger and hardship. From an attack