Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstra85861922roya).pdf/183

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premises of the Singapore Harbour Board for ordinary coinage or notes current in British Malaya. I was informed that they were not issued under any Government authority.


In August, 1920 1 was asked by the world-wide known numismatist Mr. J. P. Moquette if I had heard of an issue of tokens from this place: a small island lying about seven miles from Singapore. It is British territory and there is situated an important oil depôt of the Asiatic Petroleum Company.

I made enquiries from the Manager of the Company who very courteously sent me specimens of the tokens which the Company had issued for Island use. I subsequently had the opportunity of seeing several more examples. The following is a description.

1. One cent: made of tin: diameter 29 mm,; a circular coin punched on one side only; the other side being plain. [Pl. V. fig. 17].

Obv. Within a small central circle the figure "1": outside and within another another circle the letters "P. BUKOM." The letter "P" stands for the word "Pulau" which is Malay for "Island."

Rev. Plain.

2. Half cent: made of tin: diameter 19 mim.: a circular coin punched on one side only; the other side being plain. [Pl. V. fig. 18].

Obv. Within a small central circle the figures "1/2": outside and within another circle the letters "P. BUKOM."

Rev. Plain.

I was informed that these tokens were not issued under any Government authority.


In the early part of 1920 my attention was drawn to some tokens apparently emanating from this Island which is a Dutch possession situated about ten miles from Singapore. Large oil depôts are maintained at this place. I accordingly wrote in April of that year to the Official in charge of the Island asking for information about the issue. I received an obliging reply the interesting portion of which reads:—

"Owing to the shortage of copper coins, I was compelled to introduce tokens at this place because a lot of work done by coolies here is paid cash on the spot.

"The token has therefore no value as "currency" but a token represents the value of one Straits Settlements cent; and these tokens can only be used on the Island of Pulo Samboe and then only for the Companies' business."