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- Q. "What proof do you bring?"
- A. "I have this verse:-
- "Heaven produced the Sun-Moon Lord, (Beng) whose surname is Ang."
- "But from North to South the Wind has blown him where it listed.
- "All the heroic brethern of Ang are now associated together, to restore the rightful dynasty.
- "Waiting for the dragon to appear, when they will burst open the barriers, and overturn the Chheng."
- Q. "Why do you wish to worship the Heaven and Earth Society?"
- A. "In order that we may drive out the Chheng and restore our Beng."
- Q. "Have you any proof?"
- A. "I have this verse:—
- "We have searched the origin, and enquired exhaustively into the cause.
- "And find that the Chheng took from us by force our native land.
- "Following our leaders, we will now restore the Empire.
- "The glory of the Beng shall appear, and the reign of righteousness shall be established."
- Q. "Do you know that there is a great and a small Heaven and Earth Society?"
- A. "Yes, the great Society originated in Heaven, and the lesser at the waters of the three rivers (Sam Ho.)"
- Q. How can you prove this?
- A. "By the following verse:—
- "Our society was originally established at the Sam Ho.
- "And multitudes of brethren took the oath of allegiance.
- "On the day when the principles of Heaven shall be carried out.
- "Our whole Family shall sing the hymn of Universal Peace."
- Q. "From whence do you come?"
- A. "I come from the East."
- Q. "What evidence do you bring?"
- A. "I have this verse:—
- "This sun and moon issuing from the East, clearly. (Beng.)
"The army is composed of countless myriads of the Ang