Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait561880roya).pdf/244

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SUDDHODANA honoured as the future father of the Buddha by celestial beings in the air and various ranks and degrees of men on earth. There is possibly some connection between the two lions couchant on the capitals of the pilasters of the palace, and one of the names borne by the Buddha, i.e., Sakyasinga—the lion of the tribe of Sakyas.

Plate XVII. 3. SUDDHODANA communicating the blessing that is about to be bestowed upon him, and which has been predicted in diverse manners to an assembly of persons, probably of the Shatriya caste.

Plate XIX. 7. The four Buddhas who have already appeared. The fifth (named MATTREYA), who is yet to come and restore the Buddhist doctrine, being unrepresented. The fourth, who was to become incarnate in the person of SAKTA-MOUNI OF SIDDHARTHA, is leaving his celestial seat to descend to earth. Who the person who is floating in the air on the left and apparently bringing some intelligence may be is not clear.

Plate XXVII. 23. A symbolical picture. The Buddha, whom we saw quitting his throne in XIX. 7, is being brought to earth in a magnificent palace covered with all the insignia of earthly royalty, and supported, surrounded and followed by a host of heavenly beings.

Plate XXVIII. 25. The dream of MAYA. The elephant of which she dreamed is in the left hand corner. The Queen herself is sleeping, while her women are tending her gently, rubbing her arms and her eye and keeping the air stirring with a fan. (See photograph No. 4.)

Plate XXX, 20. MAYA returning from a visit to the temple and receiving the humble congratulations of her friends on the honour that is coming to her.

Plate XLI. 51. MAYA, no longer in a condition to receive the visitors who come to her with good wishes and gifts, is in a building by herself in the back of the palace, while a figure, which has become quite defaced, but probably representing SUBDHODANA, receives the visitors and their offerings in or on behalf of the Queen in a building in front of the one occupied by her.

Plate XLII. 53, MAYA, being near her time, is on her way to her parents' house, and is arriving in a chariot at the garden of