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No matter how high the tide of her sufferings would rise, she would still cry out: "The Lord is my rock, upon which I stand, 'who teacheth my hands to fight and my fingers to war.' He is my Protector, and I have hoped in Him." Or again:

"Thy Heart which guards and giveth innocence
Will ever be my trust and firm defense;
If in my heart the sudden tempest rise,
To Thee, my Jesus, I shall lift my eyes."

When Heaven seemed to turn a deaf ear to her entreaties for relief and sent her instead new physical and mental pains, she playfully remarked: "I believe they want to see how far my trust may extend. But the words of Job have not entered my heart in vain: 'Even though God should kill me, I would still trust in Him.' … I feel that for the moment I should not be able to bear more, but I have no fear, for if my sufferings increase, God will increase my patience…. Nothing can frighten me, neither wind nor rain; and if the impenetrable clouds come to hide from me the Orb of Love, that would he the moment to push my confidence to the uttermost bounds, taking good care not to quit my post, well knowing that beyond the somber clouds the Beloved Sun still shines. Nay more, that would he the hour of perfect joy."

"When He would test my faith and hidden be
To smile when longing for His gaze once more,
Oh, that is heaven for me!"

Finally: "I have no fear of the last struggle, nor any pains—however great—which my illness may bring. God has always been my help. He has led me by the hand from my earliest childhood…. I rely on Him. My agony may reach its furthest limits, but I am convinced that He will never forsake me.' Her rule was: "We can never have too much confidence in the good God, He is so mighty, so merciful. We shall receive from Him quite as much as we hope for." How true her words! And now how much do I hope for—especially how much strength to suffer?

(3) Her Shield:—Unreserved, Childlike Abandonment to God.—Having such an almost