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beth, was written in Arabic, and that the text here given is the Malay translation of it. This supposition would account for the absence of those forms of address which are usually found in Malay letters and can be seen in B, which is a very similar let- ter of authority. The letter to Queen Elizabeth is dated 1011 A. H., which is the year 1602 of the Christian era. The Malay letter of authority to trade was probably of the same date, and some such document is evidently referred to in the closing paragraphs of the letter to Queen Elizabeth, where it is stated "we have incorporated them into one corporation and common dignity; and we have granted them liberties, and have shown them the heat course of traffic." The following is the translation of the king of Acheen's letter to Queen Elizabeth which is given in Purchas.

The letter of the King of Acheen to the Queen of England.

Glory be to God, who hath magnified himself in His works, ordained Kings and Kingdoms; exalted himself alone in power and majesty. He is not to be uttered by word of mouth; nor to be conceived by imagination of the heart: He is no vain phantom; no bound may contain him; nor any similitude express him. His blessing and His pence is over all. His Goodness in the creature: He hath been proclaimed by His prophet heretofore, and since that often; and now again by this writing at this present, inferior unto none. For this city, which is not slack to shew their love, hath manifested it, in the entertainment of that Society, which filleth the horizon with joy, and hath confirmed it to the eye by a sign, which bringeth know- ledge of remembrance of it generally, and particularly and for that their request is just, with purpose for exchanges; and they themselves of honest carriage, and their kindness great in doing good in general to the creatures; helping the creature in prosperity and adversity jointly giving liberally unto the poor, and such as stand in need of their abundance; preserving the creature in their uttermost, with a willing mind: which for them now is extended unto India and Arach; sending forth the chiefest men of discretion and note, calling all the best of the creatures to Council herein.

This is the Sultana, which doth rule in the Kingdom of England, France, Ireland, Holland and Frizeland, God continue that Kingdom and that Empire long in prosperity.

And because that he, which hath obtained the writing of these letters from the King of the Kingdom of Ashey, who doth rule there with an absolute power; and for that, there came unto us a good report of you, declared and spread very joyfully by the mouth of Captain James Lancaster; (God continue his welfare long!) And for that, you do record that in your letters, there are commendations unto us, and that your letters are patent privileges; Almighty God advance the cause of this honourable consociation, and confirm this worthy league.