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segala arta orang yang di-bawa-nya itu pada menyuroh sampai-kan ka-pada segala kluarga-nya dan k-pada ampunya arta, maka kamu sahkan wasiat merika'itu; dan jika mati sa-sa'orang deri-pada orang Inglitir itu, maka arta-nya ada pada sa-sa'orang saudagar orang Inglitir atau pada sa-sa'orang saudagar orang yang lain maka arta itu thabit ada pada orang itu, kawan ia beniaga dan meli berjual; maka kamu hukumkan seperti hukum yang berlaku dalam negri. Dan jika berhukum sa-sa'orang orang Inglitir, d'awa-nya kendirian sama kendirian atau dengan orang yang lain, maka kamu hukumkan seperti hukum isi negri.

The Malay [version] presented by the English Captain.

I am the reigning sovereign of these [countries] below the wind, holding the throne of the kingdom of Acheen and Sumatra, and all the countries subject to Acheen. All ye who scan this letter shall [do so] with good will and peace, and listen to the words which it contains and understand them all. It has been my pleasure to declare for your information as follows: I have made friends with the king of England, and ye shall be friends with all the king of England's people, as ye are friends with all the rest of mankind in the world; and ye shall do them good, as ye do good to the rest of men. For I do good to them, and I receive them into my country and receive their gifts, and I look upon them favourably, for that 1 desire mutual affection with the king of England; and for that I desire to do good to all his people, I am treating well those who have now come, and [shall do so to] those who shall come hereafter. I have pledged my faith to those who come to Acheen and Sumatra, so that they shall no longer be afraid for their ships and their possessions and all the valuables which they bring, and they shall not be afraid or suspicious of me. And as for all of you my people, when they shall bring any valuables from their country to this country of mine, ye shall buy and sell with them, and sball exchange your valuables for any valuables of theirs; even as ye trade and exchange valuables with other people by