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locality, marked var. B of G. longissima Bl. in. Syn. Fil., it deserved a fuller description than the brief one "broad cobwebby." I think it is a distinct species.

G. (Mert.) flagellaris, Spr. (Syn. Fil. ii. 19).
Common in the low country and up to 2,000 ft.
Distribution: Madagascar: Bourbon: throughout Malaya: Fiji.
G. (Mert.) vestita Bl. (Syn. Fil. ii. 21.)
Mt Dulit, Mt. Matang and Mt. Santubong, Sarawak, 2,500 ft. "Seems conspecific with G. hirta Bl." Baker Jour. Linu Soc., Vol. xxii. p. 222. Distribution: Malay Islands.
——— var. paleacea, Baker in Jour. Bot. 1879. p. 38.
N. Borneo by Mr. F. C. Burbidge. Habitat not specified particularly.
G. (Mertensia) dichotoma Willd. (Syn. Fil. ii. 23).
Very common everywhere. G. linearis, Clarke, is said to be the oldest name.
Distribution: Tropical and subtropical regions of the old and new world and as far north as Japan.
——— var, major, Moore. Ind. Fil. 376.
Sr. Beccari (vide his Borneo Ferns by Cesati), at Marup on the Batang Lupar River, Sarawak.
——— var. divaricata Moore = pteridifolia Prest. Beccari, Malesia vol. iii. p. 17.
Same habitat as the preceding variety.



CYATHEA. (Gen. iv. Syn. Fil. p. 15.)

C. Brunonis, Wall. (Syn. Fil. iv. 2.)
Common in Sarawak at a slight elevation. Caudex a foot or more in height.
Distribution: Throughout Malaya.