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the Seh Iu clan.

    • Cantonese, Shing Yeung Kong-si kai kai 姓楊公司街
    • Hokkien, Chhâ lō͘-thaū 柴路頭 "firewood landing-place"; firewood used to be sold there, before Maxwell Road, now a principal place for selling firewood, was constructed.
    • Hokkien, Toā chúi chíⁿ 大水井 "big water well"; formerly there was a big water tank there (vide Pitt street Part III).
Chulia Lane:
    • Hokkien, Cha̍p-chhit keng 十七間 "Seventeen houses" there was a row of seventeen houses of the same size there.
    • Cantonese, Shap-chhat kan 十七間
Church Street:
    • Hokkien, Gī-hin ke 義興街 "Gī-hin street" after the Kong-si house of the Gī hin secret society, which stood where now the family residence of Captain Ah Quee is.
    • Cantonese, Yi hing kai 義興街
Church Street Ghaut:
    • Hokkien, Gī-hin ke lō͘-thaû 義興街路頭
    • Cantonese, Yi hing kai lo-thau 義興街路頭
    • Hokkien, Chiú lō͘-thaû 酒廊路頭 "distillery landing-place"; the distillery stands at the junction of Church Street and Beach Street and belongs to the Spirit Farm.
Cintra Street:
    • Hokkien, Sin-ke hoaīⁿ ke 新街橫街 "Campbell Street, Cross Street"—the street crossing Campbell Street.
    • Cantonese, San kai wang kai 新街橫街
    • Hokkien, Phah phaù ke 打炮街 the street where brothels of the lowest type are.
    • Cantonese, Ta Phau Kai 打炮街
    • That part of this street which runs between Chulia Street and Campbell Street is often called Jit-pun ke 日本街 meaning Japanese Street—the street where the Japanese brothels are.
    • Cantonese, Yat pun chai kai 日本寨街 "Japanese brothel street."