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Police Superintendent's Office:
    • Hokkien, Goā po-lè-chú 外玻璃主 "outer police magistrate."
    • Cantonese, San sham lau 新審樓
Police Station:
    • Hokkien, Má-táⁿ liaû 馬打寮 "police house."
    • Cantonese, Mata liu 馬打寮
    • Hokkien, Ba lai 峇唻 the Malay word balai, a station.
Detective Police Station:
    • Hokkien, Âm pai keng 暗牌間 "secret badge house"; detectives are called "secret badge," because they, not wearing any uniform, are supposed to wear a police badge secretly on their persons.
    • Cantonese, Am phai kun 暗牌館
Marine Police Station:
    • Hokkien, Sūn hai má-táⁿ liaû 巡海馬打寮 "inspecting sea police house."
    • Cantonese, Shui si mata liu 水師馬打寮 shui si means marine.
    • Hokkien. Sūn haí ba laí 巡海峇唻
Criminal Prison:
    • Hokkien, Kha khu keng 腳樞間 "foot-fettering house."
    • Cantonese, Kam fong 監房 "confining house"
Debtor's Prison:
    • Hokkien, Khiàm chà kha khu keng 欠債腳樞間 "Owing debts prison."
    • Cantonese, Chhin chai kam 錢債監 "Debt prison."
General Hospital:
    • Hokkien, Pīⁿ chhù 病厝 "Sick house."
    • Cantonese, Yi shang kun 醫生館
    • Hokkien, Ló kun chhù 老君厝 "Doctor's house."