Page:Judson Burmese Grammar.djvu/41

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parts of speech—verbs.

made by ကား, as အမည်​ကား​မောင်​လောက်​တည်း, his name is Moung Louk,—sometimes taking ပေ, or ပေ​လျှင်, immediately before it; also, at the close of a parenthetic sentence, or a distinct paragraph, closing in သည်, commonly abbreviated to , as သွား​သ​တည်း, he went,—sometimes taking လျှင်, or က, or လျှင်က, immediately before it.

တတ်, ditto, at the close of a parenthesis or paragraph.

တကား, emphatic, or indicative of some emotion, as သေား​က​လေး​သေ​ပြီ​တ​ကား, my little son is dead, alas! မသွား​ပါ​တ​ကား, he goes not, indeed.

ရကား, sometimes equivalent to တကား.

ချင်း, ditto, commonly expressive of regret, as ဖြစ်​ရ​လေ​ချင်း, it is so, alas!

စွ, see under Qualifying affixes.

တောင်း, intensive,—commonly connected with the verb by another affix, as ကြီး​ပေ​တောင်း, it is great, indeed!

တမုံ့, or တမူ, expletive, after an assertive or precative affix, သွား​သည်​တမုံ့, (obsolete).

The following are colloquial only:—

နော်, soliciting acquiescence, as သွား​တော့​မည်​နော်, I will go, shall I? သွား​တော့​နော်, go, will you?

လေ, or လား​လေ, slightly emphatic or persistive, is used after the assertive affixes, as ရှိ​သည်​လား​လေ, it is certainly, or I assure you.

, or ပေါ့, familiar,—without or after the assertive affix.

ကော, or ကော​လေ, ditto, sometimes superseding the assertive affix.

တည့်, (pron. ဒဲ့), denoting that the words to which it is affixed, are repeated from the mouth of another person, as ရှိ​သည်​တည့်, it is, he says.


§120. The negative is made by prefixing to the verb, which, beside its negative power, has the privilege of occasionally dispensing with the assertive affixes, or of conveying an