either great or immortal: it was the mere spite of an old woman, equally vain and vindictive.[1]
It must be remarked, that Russia was the only country where a prisoner was refused even the small favour of breathing fresh air. Every prisoner in the Bastille was allowed to walk during an hour upon the terrace. I have seen, in Newgate, villains, assassins, con-
- ↑ General Kosciuszko did not endure the severe treatment which they had exercised towards us. As they wished to consider him rather as an innocent and passive instrument, than as a ringleader of the revolution, they pitied him for having been the victim of dangerous heads, such as ours. They paid him every possible attention; he had, first, for his prison, the house of the commander of the fortress, and then was removed to Orlow's palace. He had a carriage at his command, and went out when he wished, accompanied by a Russian officer; he took airings in the garden in a rolling chair, and, at last, they gave him a master-turner to teach him turning, for which he had taken a liking. Of all the Polish prisoners he was the only one who was a favourite of the Empress.