The Polish prisoners intrusted to General Chruszczew's care, to be transported into the heart of Russia.—Chruszczew's character.—His disgraceful conduct in Poland.—The prisoners pass through Radzyn, Wlodawa, where the author sees his sister, then through Ostrog, to Zaslaw.—Kosciuszko, Fischer, and Niemcewicz are separated from their companions in misfortune.—Character of Titow, the new superintendent of prisoners.—They cross the Dnieper at Kiow. Major Achmatow arrives from St. Petersburg to be attached to their guard.—Anecdotes regarding him.—The prisoners pass through Czernihow, Mohilew, and Witebsk.—Anecdotes about Zoritz, the late favourite of the Empress Catherine.—General reflections.—Journey through the Government of Nowogorod.—Arrival at St. Petersburg.—Niemcewicz is shut up in the fortress, the 10th of December 1794.
After two days, Fersen received orders to join the army of Suwarow, with all his troops, and to lay siege to Warsaw. Before starting, he detached General Chruszczew with two