These growing feathers pluck'd from Cæsar's wing 76
Will make him fly an ordinary pitch,
Who else would soar above the view of men
And keep us all in servile fearfulness. Exeunt.
Scene Two
[A Public Place]
Cæs. Calpurnia!
Casca. Peace, ho! Cæsar speaks.
[Music ceases.]
Cæs. Calpurnia!
Cal. Here, my lord.
Cæs. Stand you directly in Antonius' way
When he doth run his course. Antonius! 4
Ant. Cæsar, my lord.
Cæs. Forget not, in your speed, Antonius,
To touch Calpurnia; for our elders say,
The barren, touched in this holy chase,8
Shake off their sterile curse.
Ant. I shall remember:
When Cæsar says 'Do this,' it is perform'd.
Cæs. Set on; and leave no ceremony out.[Music.]
Sooth. Cæsar!12
Cæs. Ha! Who calls?
77 pitch: height, as of a hawk's flight
6 in . . . speed: as you run
9 sterile curse: affliction of barrenness
11 Set on: proceed, advance