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Chapter V.

"God has placed upon our head a diadem, and has laid at our feet power and wealth beyond definition or calculation. But we must not forget that we take these gifts upon the condition that justice and mercy shall hold the reins of power, and that the upward avenues of hope shall be free to all the people."—President Harrison.

"The whole earth is the monument of illustrious men."—Humboldt.

"Men of this character, stars of this lustre, are still stuck in good plenty up and down our hemisphere. The changes of the weather may sometimes hide but cannot extinguish them. Their short-lived obscurity is indeed their advantage; and by this we know what it is to want them and their influence. Their brightness is tried and distinguished from meteors and false fires. The regularity of their courses is more observed; and their glory, when it breaks out again, becomes more renewed."—Choate.

"I looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death."—Revelation.

"And, again,—'I am apt to imagine that, were the imperfections of language, as the instrument of knowledge, more thoroughly weighed, a great many of the controversies that make such a noise in the world would of themselves cease; and the way to knowledge, and perhaps peace too, lie a great deal opener than it does.'"—Tooke.

"I could but reflect, Mr. Chief Justice," said the student, "when recently witnessing the imposing ceremonies at the unveiliņg of the statue which now holds its silent vigil in the ocean highway of your great metropolis, how, by force of example, this constitutional bulwark of your civil rights is extending the great principles of American freedom over the whole globe; and how admirably the artistic genius of France has expressed the universal sentiment of the civilized world, when, as an enduring token of her heart-felt admiration for civil liberty, with an inspiration of sublime grandeur, she has im-