expediency and requisite extent of Medical Reform, the following facts are mentioned as partially explanatory of the actual state of the profession.
It appears that there are no less than nineteen sources of examination for licenses or degrees in medicine; of which as many as seventeen are in constant operation: viz.—
EIGHT CORPORATE BODIES. London College of Physicians. |
It is a fact, at first hardly credible, that scarcely one of these institutions can afford legal protection to its members; as will appear sufficiently for the present purpose, from the following statement, made by a member of the profession, who has examined the whole question of Medical Reform, with a degree of talent, industry, and temper, rarely combined in the same individual: the refusal of whose permission to mention his name I deeply regret, being very much indebted to him for information communicated to me on the present subject; and desirous therefore of expressing my thanks; particularly, because in several of his publications he has strenuously advocated the cause of