Chapter Seven
a week with his old friends in the Emerald City.
"Giants, Sir, are bluff and rude
And might mistake a man for food!
Hokus Pokus, be discreet,
Or you will soon be giant meat!"
chuckled the Patch Work Girl, crooking her finger under the Knight's nose.
"Nonsense!" blustered Sir Hokus, waving Scraps aside. Rising from his green arm chair, he strode up and down the room, his armor clanking at every step. Straightway the company began to tell about wild giants they had read of or known. Trot and Betsy Bobbin held hands as they sat together on the sofa, and Toto, Dorothy's small dog, crept closer to his little mistress, the bristles on his back rising higher as each story was finished. "Giant stories are all very well, but why tell 'em at night?" shivered Toto, peering nervously at the long shadows in the corners of the room.
It was the evening after Ruggedo's strange discovery of the mixed magic and in the royal palace Ozma and most of the Courtiers had retired. But a few of Princess Dorothy's special friends had gathered in the cozy sitting-room of her apartment to talk about old