"A giant foot print! Why so it is!” cried Glinda.
"What shall we do? What shall we do?" cried the frightened inhabitants of the Emerald City, wringing their hands.
"First, find Ruggedo," ordered Glinda, suddenly remembering the mysterious entry in the Book of Records. So, away to the little cottage hurried the crowd. They searched it from cellar to garret, but of course found no trace of the wicked little gnome. As no one knew about the secret passage in Ruggedo's cellar, they never thought of searching underground. Meanwhile Glinda sank down on one of the golden garden benches and tried to think. The Comfortable Camel stumbled broken-heartedily across the lawn and dropping on its knees begged the Sorceress in a tearful voice to save Sir Hokus of Pokes. The Camel and the Doubtful Dromedary had been discovered by the Knight on his last adventure and were deeply attached to him. Soon all the palace pets came and stood ii a dejected row before Glinda—Betsy's mule, Hank, hee-hawing dismally and the Hungry Tiger threatening to eat everyone in sight if any harm came to the three little girls.
"I doubt if we'll ever see them again," groaned the Doubtful Dromedary leaning up against a tree.