Chapter Eleven
crackling voices, sang the following song, swaying rhythmically to the tune:
"Flicker, flicker, Candlemen,Cheer our King and cheer again!Neat as wax and always bright,Cheer's the King of candle light!
Kindle lightly—dwindle slightly,Here we burn both day and nightly,Here we have good times to burnTill each one goes out in turn."
"Thank you," said Pompa, mopping his head with his silk handkerchief.
"Thank you very much," Kabumpo groaned plaintively, for the great elephant was nearly stifled.
"How is it you are so tall and thin?" asked Pompa after an awkward pause.
"How is it you are so short and lumpy and unevenly dipped?" responded King Cheer promptly. "If I were in your place," he gave Kabumpo a contemptuous glance, "I'd have myself redipped. Where are your wicks? And how can you walk about without being lighted?"
"We're not fireworks," puffed Kabumpo indignantly and then he gave a shrill scream. Ten Candle-